A. L A B O U R E;R*
P his ihows a kind ^^bcd-jpagow ufedjjy the kbop^e^^,Clsq%&jr
heavy art{pfe_S;^hichare thus tied upon,it j; being o fk con{iderabiy^igh,ter
conftrudhipn_than thofein England.
Thev-psive ^lib„another barrow ejvhich is peculiar to the',counfry. It
is venyr^argev, and requires tyirp inen to epndtj_dt-“its pne;heing,placed'in
fro^t tp di^^and^jprppellijjg force/ When the wind hIoS^§;brilhly
frona^^antiaryv diredtjgiiitp ^hpfpoint the lafyjjurer, is ^goi-qgf he places a
fq^e^matiketehed between tfir.o.uprjghThpffies,, which, are.faftened.on
eaqh ^de'of tW^rrow. This; Iahd,fail renders- the, affiflance o f ,theman.
in |jopt, unneceilary,'-', nejther^has the ©n<j in the,rear any .trouble but to
ke^p,the machine fr^dy^^dvrigljt;before the wind.-
Ip this plate is ihoyvn thetaethoij. of carrying;thejarge- -hat.when the
head" is wary qP'irFS