p l a t e x l v l
T h e r e are' many different kinds'. of ferpents which thedChinefe .fake
medicinally, orf for, fopd,. JtThq,viper, in particular, fcconv^ecrabou't
for ,f|de jn bafkets, tub^^or^jgrs, either alive ,or made into broth. The
^haraCters on the fmall bboard-carried? by the figure in this plate are highly
recommendatory of the virtues o f the reptiles: beneath;
It is a cuftom with ftationary traders to place on one fide, without the
door of their fhop, a long board of this fort, bearing black or gilt characters
upon a red ground, which denote.the articles to be difpofed of Within^
and the matter's name, to which the.vtords “ Pu-Hu,’\ « h e will not
cheat you,’ are frequently febjcaned.r ■ ?.