______XX.Wft ,, .
A B O S C H ' E E .
-A B&schee* is dne of the^Mia^rouffaftendanfssthset precede a irkndarifi
of'confider^bie*diftinttion w&fn h»gqe%afe>ad%; Ifcishisempl&yrrieh« to
makeroolh, foi*;tfie retinfie » ^ f ^ w h i c f t he effbdiS by eierfciHWgjhis Haves
oveft%ofe who re fu # fci give-,way& There is ;. However'* very feldom”any
dtck-fion for hirrc:fo> proceed to Extremities^ as h e giyeMoficeof approach
ftriking f^V e ^ ,d ^ fe r,|w h i!r]t^ producing a, found- ofi'ifithont]^
geneiall^iprepares as ptffagetf®f thfev caVal&d® wijfibut need of fuM e r exer-
feonss,? His^glrdfe ferves either a^a^Whip oi$& Gdr^tdCcHtrilffc or bind"
offenders ^
f e * Aymandatimofijjifticei is-,empowered fo^Sdfimifter-it, in a very fummarymanner, for
trivial offences j for which purpofe he is generally attended by two, or more, men; who
carry the Pan-Tfetj— a Bamboo, faflffoned for conveniently bellowing the baftinado. - ’