"A p u ? P E / f r t S ^ . H o m . j
A pE R;spn mounted on aftpol, and-poncealed as iap.asthe .ankles. with
.4-havering cdbj^uepdicq,; cay^s fpjpe-.yery fmah, .puppets, ,tq perform. 4
kind .oftplay, the box at the. top representing,a, flage...I. The little..figures
are-.madelCto;;-np?ve; vyith much grace and decorum,,on which account the
Chinefe-puppetifliQWfJs.'^epdered equally innocent as trifling, and map be
presented without endangering tfippur^v, of the ipfant inind,*
: The phinefej yopth t|^ejpe;^ffi,if^ie%p|^gr^Eep^pf; virtue and filial
.obedienc&j -thefe precepts^, prevent .their ,ipfiirring. the penalties »prefcribed
.ip!-:thecGpde}of. lap^s.-qf .;that,en^ire‘again|t,fiuch,lLdegeneifate figfrsj*” .^
-dare- to violate,; anjt o^thol^, l^qejd .ties ^hleh^.C^u-.^nd fixture
have framed to attach them to theA^ters^qf, their exiftetjce. The fon,
or grandfon, of a Cbipefe, wJiOjif deficient in hjs duty tovp^yfs his father
tor mptfier, gr^pfifather .or g^ ^p q th er, qqpdpppied Jxy tfie J^,w tto
■receive ppe hundred -blpwf (of ta if he ,g\ves fltSP1 alyifiye Jgqjgugge,
h e h :ftrjipgled j his h§pdj^gqipfl:1thppi, .beds bghe$hd ;
.and |if jprjHjjiips Ijh?1?1.» hi? jfi^fr^rf9fPs^r^BPl|psd3qil^}??}th
>red,lhqtipipq^rs^ and h?dsiSyt5h>t0-i,A.dfe%:ferld pie<fes. Mg ,i^.^($>^orycc-
itured that the liability |$Bd|
table dor tfheJhPWP tdy^fiGfi#fdgur£thqpdhll4: JiFStr-j? .fuppQtted,.felffi'
by .thfttptqg-r^fia^ifphBlifilRd -.whiA a j^ f- .gqfoffiljh
a family even to the throne.
See Shakfpeare’s Lear.