REATE.'lXXXra. v
A sE L U T & S E E L E R ,
T he fluted u'fed in Cbinavare about th^3f?et '-arid a .half in length,-and
have twelve/.holesil Thfey.are,made'- o f‘a£fpeeies)©f bamboo^-,and produce;
a foftejpleafing found., ’i;_The; Cbinefe,: in .generals; learn,all, their..tunesby
ear jahutit^ifeidi fhab of. law.-years’‘fqTne few amongttheirkhave acquired
fnf European. method .of; marking. down mufical riotes^ t v. There is great
monotony,.and want of-exprefiion, inthjefouinds.qf Chinefe^muficalinftrut.
ments r . th£ .loud cralh,rjwb<5ee4ihg the united? powerSJ o f -gflngS,
: cymbals, drums, &c..,w,bfchj is.-introduced, at-.intervals,.' excepted. A
band,of -.muficians always performs ;at.1th&,reprefentation of:'their plays,
and othen-entertainments inga theatre they are «polli^iin. fu ll;viewj. ait
the back part of, the ftage— a -.difpofition which is far fromadding to the
jritereft o f Jthe fcene, or increafing the ftage effedt.