T ea |rcfnl)M^alwayh(p;refented to!A siifiJ^Fsin China; at whatever time
o f day hejmay arrive. 11 fis||ierved in porcelain cups with coversi, and
poiflefliss, ^i^iy^n|nvij cbme;’ a£pe<mGadytKn| ^a^djar .and fcent. £ It iss
never ^dfchl&dio't, ^ a thehld g sa 'gJj}.p;eff?^Ver or fugaj^
’ \ 'flicrc is a fort of tea n a n ir e d + E o fn -¥ u l^ h n \^ ^ ^ |^ ;lS Eufeiy'§t,ed
near the. village-- o f iPod-Y bl|bin^h^.proyinc& of iy im ^ a h , The legyes
©f this are .'longer‘-and thicker than, of the, jothejr , and are rolled, up
with a -hjfcous dftgubdbptb a. kmd£©J|bill, and dried mi the
fort' bears a good price amongft thet native^ ■ .ttjejgjOujjjthe jb^llsddtP pieeesf
and pour theifepillng water. Upon, therm. THjs tea/is not-pf dy Vfity.plea-
fenmfl^tbtit is efteemed .very.W.hpfefori}e. j.Two cf^attri^uttd virtues
are t-he^curing i,of tth& colic, »and.the>c^eatling„pf 4tt,?-P’p6tite j but perhaps
t^ie eflential virtues of Tea^e&'fi.ftf. in b ^ t bein^kn/innocen^', £efrefhing,
beverage; which^uenches" thirfty and ithefctfui^ wlog ■, of inflammatory
lidhqis^B^labbriqjis '^hirifefe.^rarter|tel'iiheSi j.t, ecpia]ly tvith the
iSoft delicatblEUropean lady.