a b a l a n c e r :-
T he Afiatics are all rerfrarkably expert at manual feats ; hut no. people
feetti to Have brought the art o f balancing t$fi$bsa deg)#, o f fetfe&aoa m
the Qhinefe., „ .■
The man reprefented in this plate gi^esd^a porcelain jar air appearance
©f loeijiffiotive power: by an imperceptible adion o f the fiiufisles, it is’
made without any other impelling farce-,to°< gfide son g his arms whiles
# e y are extended in an homzaritahp@fifSi@a j he then, balancing bimlelf
Upon one foot, poifes the jar upon his knuckles, where it remains fixed
witnbut motion. , ,. ^ >■'