A B A SK E T -W E A V E R .
S ome of the mountain».in» China produce a.remarkable ofier, or willow1,_
a&qot the thicknefs o f a. rhan5f&ffegs|;. - It is^crefeping, plant', trailing
itfelf’ upon the; ground* ‘and, f&Mtmg|f§ttllf^yery .long fprigs refembling
tbrcTsV. ThT‘ &mg< \ e^gbable a n ^ u g h f feryes for making cables and
otBel? ifopfesi? and whei^ A ihtb thin* flips, ik is», wrought, into, balkets j
the metJiddfo'f^eM^^g^iiich app'ears'db’r^f^mble that pra£kifeddrf Europe.
The Chinefe excel in manufacturing this wicker-work, thd balkets being
fbcldfely woven-as to' ferve oecafionally fort water-buckets.