A F I S HM O N G E R .
C hina isJ.a;country WeU .ftoréd'wjlrafih ; even f e e ditches are flocked
with them,rjWhich yields,great profit: One of the befl forts refembles
the fea bream. ; it is commonly1 fold for little more than '_one farthing a
pound, and generally, weighs five or fix. They have alfo another ^ kind
o f frefli’ filh that-'refçmbleiS! the.eodj of Newfoundland, andis likewifé difT;
pofed of at a. very low price.
• Frelh-water fifh^aWcarp, &c. aro.foktalivepthe ftreets, and the larger
forts are diyidfed and fliced for the accommodation o f thofe who wifh to
purchafe a very fmall quantity.^