, A - B A R B E R .
M w y of^c^follq.’R inpjijpl ittsjiprdlnt itinerant. ttad^r-, and meehanfcl,
who! carfv^o/a, tlu.^fl^IUu^theH? iftttlcS fo^file or the implements of
s of) .c^'imlioo lath. This lath
isi 1 g s mdbclafljtifet When .gne- ihouldcjrfi v f ltigdGd, the Jr have'a
method Ot, dextcrord]j\2{wanting thelath round tlia8o£&-of the liehdto the.
dppofifoffiouldcr.. r Eionh hiftoijjiwé-'k irn that thé .Chincfef w.erp, riot onT
gin ill}' mfed1 toifli i\ e thur hi. ads;: bnt&that, the Tartar^rince^ rwrhen, they.
CbnqifdredJ (ihftvq, though the} contnmtd the.former conilitution, manners,
and ldw s>, compelled the"fulïduaïn^nn^to< idopt their form of drefs. Thi$
cuilom w. is c nfoiccd* byi the political motiyc^ of; “doing aw ayj eyery recoiled!
ion of the in fulyi^af loil^'jbL'hefS^is now ndj^difFèrénce,. in thq form cf
|?^earing.the haiiv between the emperor .tridjfc, the low eft mechanic;.;.; The
head" is! entirely fliaven, excepting thej middle of the hack put-, from whence
ft anAfie^ to*
getheiiat tlieiextic|jn,t[cs^w ith (k*/mall ir-ilJ^« „ The Jpwer f t ó p f peoplg
frequently^ oib their liair rouniktlic top. of theiyhead, to from
Wangling lhatheir way. 1 lic,Chirt|fe bilher porforrds very dexterou% upon
M m t* > & J&res,
•pKSüs‘ thf eais, lets ti^tyi'biows lhWk.rjjand fhampoes (a; cuftom uni-
yerfally p-rftefbifed' i»Afia j whichcottfifls ln'fl^ebe^jmgj rubbing, .indigently
beating the limbs md r%ufeks, m order to promote quit kei' circujatiqn o f
^ B B leivuts*,hG exu Aie-btfor nsfew’picces o f tffiPixpper
t ó b . The little^dr iw erst contain h’tscmfirmment,, and'f^ye for defeat'upon
-Whichhi euftomer is»placed ^hc'co\mt«|ioiï(^A 1 irgt„pitccof bamboe^
holding water, overt which, are feen.his ra^ck-ftrop and napkin.