A W OM A T S ff-M A K IN G S T O C K IN G S .
T a h < f Ifnecf with cMok,
o f g<jl'cWfrKijTi c wcti! aTffifl'^Tf/#^y '? The^ftocEggs^ire Tofne-
v^ a ffnimapen,.$?ta icV iy y lr r^ ^T nC A is m modefty'in tfe;
jp hintTt ^ j^flto-hich adrwnLu.frn. fr]&> in life. Ife- women js
faftftwprl clofe rounds th<p ehrdat, th e ip ^ e fe i epical' thei^- bands „ and they
Wear lehg'd’ra'wers1'redcii®rn^!&),fciir anklesst' T&jfe^ljio'feaifi'afifeid i&j pur?
arfiSdSffffi armlet's fdf fHe‘-fi.|Ke ‘niefetl.—The hair s f
'hraSf?* iTiVfev tjipjm* !Uf c ' ^ '*
and braid dy coil it on the h e a d f e £ r
tened with, aSgold,, hQd^kiHjQ%,t|wol and gaier<iH]i^irri.pi^iitcd-y ith natural .or
artifkial flowers, diifpafed accordingwtsfc the fancy,? of -the wearer. r_ The
young and dnmairied are ret|uiT^dloyec%d<-)%:i^fd-wear their hsrr cSJfrthed
‘f.iuholds',-- v, lij 1 ft1 fhe/t'vfftiifw s' of firtihf .ireJh mimed ifltc?a mere
orders of Chinefe " omen'jare. indulged
jvith. the natural f e t . 'J he*pag.nt''^r nuiit,s fqfj i female
dqlhn^Qfefoperior coBc^pnj.garpfufev^^ |b s d |^ u^ er the f®et* gwi gr&&
one, excepted .; and byvbeing C0mfinedlhds!,'Vfefeyf*tdj rendered incapable o f
ever recovering their iSaforai fhape and,f j®fti0nL^Tftei thotivaffofe Ads
fin^fffar diftortion- is fidfr acknoWTeutufli^m'^uW of- the-‘natives,1 neither* is it
cafv tdrnBF^mmt^^u.thp'cummrgrB^'ileu f?om\^^ihitor rendering
the, vtomen mpre- uTefudy ins a, great meafure
defeated, |inee $h?y are fey this prafticp;. ofi that* adtive power
which i^ n e t h f e ^ ^ ehel’pBidbS’mahGeofM^tseflic dotie's; I f it be froup
a diiflhuft' o f a their' fidelity pallfe*' remit Icabfe* that? no* ftch cuftom prevails
/arffofi^S'tlie TurkWo£l'other,'‘ Alfat&V, why«re’ eqdSiyjeafotes o f their
’*yomch/ 1 It Ecms probiblt%fli' itAclthcr fiom hahi^or prejudice,! they
attaefeidea^ o f vplgari|y anddirfguli totbis, part of the human frame j The
Chinefe ladies are- ridiculed ,by tfeef 'Eu^peam-daitions on> account of this
deformity, which, fe th&irefulti of tfefhian cSdywhilflt they do not confides
that; rul®figh#y;as it may 'bet1* iil-i|sl^lfi(d"ly?cbrifi^lh't with tftofe peculiar
ptiifl^jJlesTdfe modefly and decorum whicbvtjfe Chinefe' pfdfefs."