T he the',Chinfefe airow i s / gent? ills, of fir, fometimes' of
retd, ati^er^fiuitly made, yd 1 ornamented ts rKoftfdf the
natives pf^Hindo'ftan. * TKefe^ arrows afSar-med with a|fharp head-oft iron*
«ftf a rhombi^^m, and art thrown with; great ;&uAVy'fSom a bdw $thich
.pdfl^^*unephd&oh: itdfiilfe,_*p(3wers.- is*compdltdbdf-’artough, pliable
wood, lined with buffalo horn, and its tlalhcity is demtd. fronWtlieir
combined aetfoni'-'t The form op®al|bo'Wy <ftrung,' .olr when tbfei! arrows-is
drawn’^i’t^ih'eSaf exactly referable-!! 6hat,dM®ffi®^iMsfe<§feythiaL'ns • ’when
unftrung, fl^ies .back', iipd afjii frits a^figuie- nearly circular. The bow-
ftring isJahout^the fize1 qf' a frrall goOfe-quillet, and is compofed o f uriited
filken threads.