A ; W A T C H M 'A - N . ; i
A ^ t i e approach, of nighfj the? gate'&'o^ tlfe, citilS' in Chirisj, and the bar-
irkracjes,at? tliesendf oijjkacft f t ree|£are5carefully- During thenight. d o
pif-i fqnsT oft credit. a^^feehVin^feft^. ft^egts^, whfcl| aBpuidt- with, watchmen,
whg.ftrikejjij|3ff a- giece[pf%lfamh<5q m- their lefty handr^ to>, denote the time
and,to martathc&qy^vjgilanco.'' Tholewhoifis.theyfmeet in their walk
J^quefttonedandjt fj _ tfto repljj. tVt% fitiffadtory^ the^are permitted to pafs
_ through?';cke|jir^ tifebaSi'ip'idejj jTIiq ^atehmerir caries Iahtems, upon
I^Jiichjare written5, their names-, and t^ | diftri.dB vdiicB they, Belcing^ In
tho^ynij^ hpt mqnt-hs^ all tfiii^ Iq^te^t cfagp- o£\Chihefe have their, feet and
lfe^. b a f e : j