"r P L A T I^X X X lIL
" M P IL L OW -S E L L E R *
T he common clafljps£o$- (sjMHefe fleeg*upon a i b o i d 1, tih u c^n
j$i?pJaoed’at kincf of pjpfejii“ .^bjvjLririgt at nightiConfift^ ofjpart,of tne
drfefs they w,eartby <fev > this, they thiojv; afidc’or Retain', according to tho
temperatureJof the atmofp.here* whiehffeflueiitly varied* i®»8 fe-yis hoprs*
^aii atfomlhihg^numbei^aS* d e g r e e s - T h e JLhinofepfe cine pillow:,,
particularly in fummer, or. when trai£el']mgy^i>jjL,lii {hey fometimeSj covet
with) lcathti, ordkins. Tjhcy aie(\e ij right unJ tlaftic. Scafti^of tilde
plHoafl.,. Ifeing hpllow, ^rejcffliyerted iritd a kind o f trunk or portmanteau,
andvferve as a receptacle foa^gitings, &c. ,
Five and forty degrees in the fpace of twenty-four hours.