A«*., D I S T I L L E R .
X HE, liquor drutik by. me/Uglier clafEe^ q$ peopjeftin ‘China is at fort of
wifle extracted fromi rice.v wjw®h, is peeped foj,' fame .day’s- ip water-, together
with other ingredients ; they afterwards bojl,i|||ancl during the
fermentation it throws ug^vaporous' fpu m .. A ptue. liqhai;^ irL tafte and
ftrength very nmch. refembling' inferior- Rhenifh^is'i j^und1 under this
fcum.Avkich lsjlarawn off inter,jags»*-, ,0$? th^Igpila1 hi'Ad«o£ fpirit- is
[blade, w peh i$,;Yery potent and*,fiery1.—It is‘-a|gtjftom with the Chinefe
tb-drinMall their wine very hot*