U $ , Ä o E U . A &■ JE R .
T h ï.s, like 'tn?py (otbfirs o f AefepiSuiss., iis^YfôfK Â-ËêBr%S?:ipiQ®râtt
am an who was JSsqi^^ÿ.'toàfeËiîfcp inA e - fckafbs ,àf fômtari. .Qgg
baiket :li«âl4s his îpjglfiajeôts ;fbr»weaking ; in _tbe. staler..he.sjgigs bjs
Jeathor „and gjj|g .$opl upPn -yvilch ,h.e' accafi^aally jg te . ; ï b e »pggr ,ga*f
pf à man’s Ihoe in China is commonly nffidq<af <M*ck cotton.c^triy >tvMi
an edge of white. TïberibkifiBlÿ. is fometimes of leather : ’&& Ape k$ß
rib ftraps, j» d is ufuÄy.rfiöit'iijjj3*eiit the toe.