where he received his education fo many additional privileges,
and endowed it fo liberally, that he has been juftly called its fe-
cond founder. Befides erefting a large building at his own expence,
he fettled on the univerfity his patrimonial eftate of Vafa,
by which donation the falaries o f the profeflors were augmented,
and one hundred and fifty ftudents maintained. His example
was followed by his fucceflbrs, as well as by private individuals-;
and as the funds have become more eonfiderable, the number o f
icholars iupported by them has encreaied in proportion. It reflects
great credit upon this univerfity, that the profeffors faithfully
apply the revenues to the obj-efts o f their original deftinatioh; 'viz.
the improvement and diffufion o f knowledge. A t the head o f the
univerfity is a chancellor, who is always a perfon o f the firft
rank and coniequence, and generally one o f the royal family. The
dignity is conferred by the election o f the profeffors, and confirmed
by his majefty. The chancellor regulates and explains the fta-
tutes, compofes any material differences or difputes that may
happen, and delivers all petitions and meffages from the univerfity
to the king. In his abfence, his place is fupplied by the arch-
bifhop o f Upfala. From the body o f the profeffors, or from thofe of
them that are capable o f the office from their fituation in the univerfity,*
is annually chofen a reSlor magnificat, who is a ipecies o f
magiftrate that can punifh the ftudents for fmall delinquencies by
fine or imprifonment, and whole jurifdiftion over them extends
fix leagues around the city. T he profeffors are exceedingly mi-
* Thefe are called viri rectorales.
merous. In the branch o f theology there are fix profeffors, three
affiftant profeffors, and three private teachers or magiftri doçentes :
o f law, two profeffors and two affiftant profeffors : o f medicine,
three profeffors and two affiftant profeffors: o f philofophy, ten
profeffors and twenty affiftant profeffors: o f genteel exercifes, feven
under the name of artium equejirium et cultiorum magiftri, viz. a
riding mailer, a French mailer, a dancing mailer, a drawing mailer,
a mufic mailer, a fencing mailer, and a mailer o f the German and
the Englifh languages. Goncerning fome o f the profeffors o f U pfala,
I believe the following information may be relied upon :
Neiktér, royal profeffor o f eloquence and poetics, has the reputation
o f having read and remembered an immenfity o f hiflory without
being a good hiftorian. He can read and remember, but not
digefl and combine. He has adopted the philofophy o f Kant, and
is a zealous propagator o f the new doftrine.
Afzelius, profeffor o f chemiflry, is in Sweden efleemed a fine
genius, but faid to be extremely indolent. He is one o f the ableil
fupporters o f the antiphlogiflic chemiflry.
Aurivillius, librarian and profeffor of humanity, or lit era hu-
maniores, is remarkable for the excefs o f his bigotry, and the impediments
he conflantly endeavours to raife, as far as his opportunities
and abilities extend, to the advancement o f knowledge.
In direft oppofition to Aurivillius, Hands Tingfladius, D . EX.
profeffor o f oriental languages, who has laboured with eonfiderable
fuccefs to introduce into the univerfity liberal fentiments on fub-
jefts o f religion.