Dr. Floriman teaches ofteology, materia medica, and the veterinär)’
The province o f Dr. Munck is chiefly pathology.
In the faculty or clals o f philofophy there are feven profelfors,
and fifteen afliftant profeflors. The profefibrs give lectures on
mathematics, algebra, aftronomy, natural hiftory, civil hiftory
both ancient and modern, and hiftory o f lite rature : the Greek
and oriental languages, botany, georgics, or rural oeconomy, the
law o f nature and nations, metaphyfics, &c.
The profeflorial affiftants, befides the elementary and moft
ufeful parts o f natural fcience, fuch as geography, the elements
o f botany, horticulture and other branches o f georgics; teach a
kind of logic, which they define to be a branch o f theoretical
philofophy; that is, they teach to make lyllogifms, modes, and
figures, and all the old machinery o f deputation : but the chief
bufinefs o f thefe affiftants feems to be, to explain with philofo-
phical and critical remarks the Greek and Latin claflics. They
anfwer in a great degree to what in fome countries are called,
profeflors o f humanity. They alfo profefs to lecture on the hiftory
o f moral philofophy ; o f which however they do not feem
to make any great account. In a profpedtus o f the ledures that
were to be read, I find the following notice— “ Laur P. Wahlin
“ N . Mag. Hift. L itt, docens, fata philofophiae moralis futuris au-
“ ditoribus enarrare fibi propofuit.” * I could not learn that they
* “ Laurence Wahlin, mailer of philofophy, and teacher of the hiftory of lite-
“ rature, propofes to give an account to thofe who may choofe to hear him, of
“ the hiftory of moral philofophy.”
enter at all deeply, at this univerfity, into the queftion concerning
the foundation o f moral obligation. They certainly do not keep
pace with the viciffitudes and progrefs o f the various opinions on
that fubjed. AH that is good for any thing in moral philofophy
is contained, as they fuppofe, in Cicero de Officiis and Puffendorf.
I am inclined to fufpedthat moral philofophy at Lund is regarded
with an evil eye, as being in fome refpeds inimical to the tenets
o f Luther. I have not been able to difcover that this fubjed is
very much attended to in many Catholic or Lutheran, or in other
Words in many Epifcopal univerfities.
T h e profeflors in philofophy are,
I Mr. Lidbeck, already noticed among the members o f the academy
o f fciences.
Sommeliusy heretofore librarian : he has publilhed a Greek
grammar in Swedilh, and a great number o f academical diflerta-
Matthias Norberg, profeffor o f Greek and oriental languages, a
member o f the ph ilofophiea! fbciety o f Gothenburg, and a corre-
ipondent member o f the mufeum -at Paris. He travelled with the
celebrated Biornftahl, in Greece, Turky, Italy, &c. He has introduced
a new mode o f pronouncing Hebrew, and a new method
•of acquiring that language with facility. His-mode o f pronouncing
Greek, though generally deemed new, was formerly adopted
by Reuchlin, who maintained a difpute on that lubjetft with Eraf-
mus, whofe pronunciation is ftill retained at Upfala. It would, in
my opinion, be difficult to ipecify any objeft o f literary inveftiga-
Vox.. 1 U tion