perate enjoyment o f the fun’s rays, which can only reach it by in-
finuating themfelves between the branches o f the buihes that
overlhadow it. Dr. Smith, Pref. L . S. has given us a coloured
figure o f it extremely accurate and lively, which the reader may
fee and admire in his collection o f rare plants. This is one o f the
rareft as well as moft beautiful productions o f the North ; it is indigenous
in the pariih o f Kemi. Hitherto it has been difcovered
no where elfe, except, as I have been informed, in North America.
The other plants in flower which we obierved in this neighbourhood,
are the following:
Daphne mezereum Ranunculus acris
Vaccinium myrtillus Trollius Europaeus
Lychnis dioica Caltha paluftris
Viola paluftris Arbutus uva urfi
Viola canina Pinus abies
Viola tricolor
In s e c t s .
Cimex lacuftris Hunerobius lutorius
Tipula juniperina
As Mr. Caftrein, from his love to botany, and a hope o f difco-
vering new plants in the deferts o f Lapland, had refolved to attach
himlelf to our expedition, we accordingly fet out altogether from
Kemi, and arrived at Tornea the fame day. W e changed hories
only once, which was at Leivaniemi, and we met with nothing
worth mentioning on the whole road to Tornea, except the ravages
which the inundations o f the rivers had made this year, by
throwing down all the bridges, and overflowing a vaft trait o f the
furrounding country. Spring-time, which in other countries is
the feafon that brings along with it every thing grateful and o f
good prefage, is here the forerunner o f misfortune, and frequently
o f the moft terrible difafters. T he fnow, as it melts on the tops
o f the mountains, produces enormous fwells in the rivers, which,
breaking up the ice, hurry along with them vaft maffes, heaped
one upon another. Thefe tear down, fweep before them, and
lay wafte every thing they meet in their courfe which may tend
to oppofe their violence.
In going to Tornea you are obliged to crofs in a ferry-boat, and
leave the horfes on the left bank o f the river, which at this place
is extremely broad and majeftic. A t a fmall diftance from the
fpot where we entered the boat, is the church o f Lower Tornea,
from which there is a fine view o f the town, and where we ufed
fometimes to amufe ourfelves. by contemplating the fun at midnight.
There is a very good inn at Tornea, and we found the hoft
extremely civil and obliging.