by a rational amufement. The vicinity o f the fea, and an eafy
mode o f intercourfe, enables the inhabitants o f Lund to keep up
their acquaintance with Denmark and Germany, and to obferve
and benefit by the progrefs o f literature in thele countries.
In this, as in the other Swedifh univerfities, catalogues in Latin
are publiihed o f the fubjefts to be treated, and the books to be explained
and commented on by the different profefibrs> alfiftanfc
profeffors, and other teachers in their leftures. It may be amuf-
ing to our claffical readers to lee lome lpecimens o f the Latin
advertifements by which, in thole lifts, the different mailers invite
not only regular ftudent-s, but it would leem every other perfon,
to avail themielves o f their lelfons and inftru¿lions. I have therefore
lubjoined a few o f thele notices, not only by the profeffors o f
Lund, but thole o f the two other univerfities.^ T he different
Eric Guftaf Lidbeck, hiftor. natur. & cecon. prof. &c. &c. Pralectionibus
publicis brevi curfu mineraiogico abfoluto, plantas officinales vivas variafque in
ceconomia utiliffimas, hfifbas, avbofes, & frutices, proponere in animum induxit.
Piivalim defiderantibus fe accommodabit.
Matt ha-us Fremling, philof. theor. prof. reg. & ord. Pfychologiam publice,
bora a. m. VIII. tradet. Privatam operam’ pra'Ccptis logicae, & ontologias, hora
p. m. II. III. impendere ftatuit. Neque vero its deeril, qui celeb. Kantium
philofophantem audire velint, fummam libri, qui infcribitur Critik reinen Vernunft
propofiturus. •
Clmftophcrus Porath, fubcenturio & paleiirse academire prrefectus, fpondet fe
libenter fatisfacturum omnibus iis ex ftudiosa juventute, qui fuam in arte nobili
arma feliciter tractandi, & iirenue vibrandi expetunt manuductionem.
Petrus Nicolaus Chriftiernin, phil. et I. U. Doctor, Iogices et metaphytices
profeilor, &c. &c. Fundamenta et elementa theologire naturalis, methodo thethicoleilurers
are generally abfolved in the fpace o f h alf a y ea r; fo that
there are two courfes in the whole year. T h e firft courfe begins
on the l f t o f February and concludes on the I Oth o f June; the
fecond commences the l f t o f Odober and ends the l 6th o f D e cember.
T h e celebrated univerfity o f Upfala was founded under the government
o f the adminiftrator Sten Sture the elder, in 1340,
with the permiflion o f Pope Sixtus IV . on the model o f that o f
Bologna, and with all the privileges o f the univerfity o f Paris.
T h e mufes o f Upfala betook themfelves to flight at the Reformation,
with the priefts of the Roman Catholic religion, but were
invited back by Guftavus Vala, who conferred on the univerfity
thico-polemica publicis lectionibus hoc anno tradere conftituit; privatam quoque
operam auditoram deiideriis accommodabit.
Nicolaus Riftel, artis- faltandi magifter, muiicos ad fonos docebit juniores non
modo apte componere. pedes, fed et decoros geftus corpprifque habitum politio-
rem induere;
Gabriel Ericus Haartman, M. D. med. pract. profeiT. See. See, Medicinam
popularem publicis lectionibus ea explicare conftituit methodo, ut non minus
artis falutaris alumnis, quaimetiam aliis earum rerum curiofi^ fiat utilis: privatim
autem, pathologiam generalem, et.fpecialem alternis pertractabit horis.
Georgius Danet, linguce Gallicae magifter, diebus mercurii et faturni hora IT.
pj m. librum cui titulus Les-Avanture« de Telemaque, publice interpretabitur:
ftudiofis privatim in lingua Gallic® inftitutionem deliderantibus haud defuturus.
Olavus Levin, artis faltatoriae magifter, operam fuam in arte.faltandi expeten-
tibusfacilemet indefeiiumfe praebebit ducem.-
Johannes-Thorberg, director muiic®. et cathedrale Abo-
enfe, muiicam publicis concentibus, diebus mercurii & faturnii, hora III. p. m.
habendis-docebit: privatam quoque inftitutionem expetentibus-fuam haud dene-
gabit operam-.