frozen, ib that it became neceffary to melt it by the injection o f
a red-hot bar o f iron. I have attempted to make a drawing
o f this carriage ; but it is difficult for art to imitate the operations
and eftedts o f the froft, difplayed in the various appearances o f the
ice ; its traniparency and the fantaftical beauty o f its embroideries
are not eaiily copied. For the purpofe o f rendering the dc-
fign more interefting, I have chofen the pump at the bridge near
the M in t : this gave me an opportunity o f introducing into the
piece that edifice, which was very near the houfe called Rofena-
dlefka, where we lodged, and formed an angle o f the ftreet leading
to the fquare o f lliddarholmen. In the lame plate I have
added a reprefentation o f one o f thofe fmall fledges that are ufed
for the conveyance o f goods or luggage from one place to another,
which are peculiar, I believe, to the city o f Stockholm. Neither
men nor women carry any thing on their heads or ffioulders,
but employ thefe fledges, which they puffi on before them.
When they come to a declivity, they reft with their left hip and
thigh on the fledge, and glide down to the bottom with a velocity,
which to a ftranger appears both aftoniihing and frightful,
guiding all the while the motion o f the fledge with their right
foot. The addrefs with which they perform this, it is not ealy
for any one to conceive who has not witnefled it. I f you add to
the objeils which I have been defcribing, the curious appearance.
o f the many different pellices that are worn with the furs
on the outfide, you will imagine what a ftriking fcene the ftreets
o f Stockholm in winter prefent to a foreigner, efpecially to one
that came from the fouthern part o f Europe.