face, rendered their fituation more alarming every moment. In
the anguilh o f hunger, they gnawed the fleih o f their arms: they
faw the gu lf o f death opening gradually under their fe e t; they
embraced each other, determined to plunge together into the fea,
and put an end to their mifery, from which they had no proipeft
o f efcaping: they had hailed the day for the laft time, when they
difcovered a fail. How great muft have been their joy ! One
ftript o ff his ihirt, and iiiipended it on the muzzle o f their g u n :
the veffel was a whale-iiiher which obierved them and putting
out her boat, laved thele two men from impending death.
C H A P T E R X V I.
Some of the Manners and Cujloms of the Inhabitants of Finland de-
fcribed Their Modes of Courtjhip— Ceremonies attending Marriage—
The ufe of Vapour-Baths among the People at large, and ef-
pecially among the Peafantry— Some Particulars of this Manner of
bathing— The extraordinary Tranfition from Heat to Cold which
the Finlanders can endure.
NO TH IN G could be more curious than to defcribe the odd
and fantaftic cuftoms o f the northern nations, and the grofs
indelicacies praitifed among them on certain occafions: but I
fliall confine my remarks to their marriages and their baths. T h e
peafants o f the province o f Savolaxa, in Finland, have a very lingular
mode o f making love. When a young man feels an attachment
for a young woman, he commiffions fome aged dame to
acquaint the objedt o f his love with his pailion, and at the lame
rime he fends her fome prefents. T h e old woman chufes as the
proper moment for executing her commiffion, that, when the girl
is preparing to go to reft. W h ile Ihe is putting o ff her cloaths,
the woman takes an opportunity o f getting into her pretence, and
bellowing many praifes upon the lover. When the girl has heard
all ihe has to fay, the dame flips fome prefent, perhaps a handker-
i chief,