their corn is by that time threihed, and the country covered with
fnow, every operation o f huibandry is at a ftand.
No inconliderable number o f runic iongs, and thoie not of the
Our townfmen then will ne’er go free*.
But plunder’d evermore will be:
No; pufs I’ll bake as nature fent her,
With ikin, fur, all' that nature lent her*
A s I laid this, our pufs in hafte
I roll’d up neatly in a pafte;
The pafty bak’d, without delay,
To Uleaborg I took my way;
I crofs die river on the ice,
And reached the office in a trice,
And there I faw my good Commisr
And glad, be affiir’d, I was to fee.
Saluting, I my preient make,
Taking from out my bag a cake:
What’s this you’ve brought me here, cried- he*
This is not furely meant for me;
Here, take your cake, I pray now, back,
You’ve fomething better in that lack;
You peafants of Paldamo never
Come hither without fomething clever j
I know, at home, you’re ne’er without
Fifh-pafties, either jack or trout:
Come, fearch your bag, and fet me down
One ihall do credit to your town.
Thus fpoke the Commis m, you may fwear,
Thefe words I was well pleas’d to hear j
So out I lugg’d, without demur,
Pufs in the pafty, fkin and fur.
Better receiv-’d no gift cou’d be 5
Aye, this is fomething like ! cried he ;
Now, my good peafant, for the fake
Of this, you muft refreihment take.
leaft merit in point o f compofition, are o f the produilion o f fe
males o f the clafs o f Finnilh peafantry.
Before the general ufe o f wind and water-mills, corn was re
Coffee I had; punch too he gave;
Brandy befides he made me have.
My congees made, to town I went,
And left the Commis well content.
Paldamo’s peafant now has ended
His tale, by neighbour’s well attended ;
You too attention pay to verfes,
Peafant Vanonen here rehearfes ;
What gets Vanonen for his pains ?
Gifts much like that the Comrtiis gains *,
Pafty of cat, or fome fuch matter:
But left you think I idly chatter;
And talk thus when my tale’s not clos’d,
Becaufe I am to end it pos’d *
I now will haften the concluiion,
And fhew you Ritzi in confufion;
Ritzi, I fay, for fo ’tis fam’d,
Our officer by all was itam’d.
The pafty you may think was not
At Ritzi’s fupper-time forgot *,
For being large, fuppos’d of fifh,
It made at table the chief difh.
The commiflary tried the pafte,
And found it relifh’d to his tafte;
Within the cruft he made a hole,
And brought out what he thought a jole 5
Jole of a jack, fo he did guefs,
’Twas the hlnd-legr nor more nor lefs:
His mouth he fcratch’d with pufs’s claws,
« This fifh had fharp teeth in his jaws j”
And faying this, a doubt arofe,
Which to clear up, on fearch he goes:
S s 2 The