in which we lodged; to the left were places, for cattle. In fpeak-
ing o f the dwelling o f a Finnifh peafant, I think. I ihall gratify the
reader by the annexed engraving, reprefenting the infide o f the
houfe, where, at the fame time, a fcene o f domeftic amufement
is exhibited, which is not infrequent among the Finniih peafantry.
One o f the men is playing on the national inftrument o f Finland,
called the harpu (which will be defcribed more particularly hereafter)
while two other men, being feated oppofite each other, and
having their hands locked- together, accompany the inftrument
with their long and the motion o f their bodies, railing each other
alternately from their feats. T h e other part o f the company enjo
y the fcene as fpectators.
T he fimple accommodation, eafe and contentment of this hof-
pitable Finlander forms a ftriking contraft to the excelBve luxury
o f the great in Europe. It fee ms impoffible to behold the agricultural
ftate o f life without feeling attachment to i t ; and though
I am not infenfible to the pleafures and bleffings which luxurious
ages produce, yet when refinements in fociety give rife to fuch fe-
verilh and pernicious defires, as induce great landed proprietors to
fly from the country to overgrown cities, and forfeit theif influence,
independence, and eftates, for worthlefs pageantry and frivolous
baubles; and when by folly lefs excufable than Efau’s, they
involve in their ruin thoufands o f induftrious members o f fociety,
we unavoidably overlook many cares and anxieties which muft attend
this artlefs fcene o f life, and forget the exquifite enjoyments
o f polilhed focieties.