No. V.
“ Non mihi fama fed hofpitalitatis et gratitudinis teftimonium.
“ S. Stewart, civis orbìs 30 Julii, 1787.”
No. v i ;
“ Juftice bids me record thy hofpitable fame, and teftify it by my
“ name. W. Langhorn, United States of America, July 23, 1787.” '
No. VII.
íc Gallia me gennit. G alba ! heu glof ìofa, hodie contempta, cras
“ forfitan ™hil ! Regi fideKs, patria, ' fìlb regè 'qtiondam felice, nunc
“ plebeiana tyrannià oppreisà,' emigravi ; T&a’gnam Britanniam, Hifpaniamque
cognofcebam ; primum Italiani, poftea Hungariam vidi,
“ Helvetiam revilens pér tótam Germaniam, Poloniam, Mofcoviam,
“ Ruffiam peregrinatus, per Finlandiam Stockholmiam accefH, unde
“ in Lapponiam incurri, in focietate Francifci Outaveri Hifpani na-
« tione, ex Nallia in regno Murciée. Hofpitium dedit venerandus ad-
“ modum Jukasjerveniis paftor Daniel Engelmark, cui teilimonium
“ gratitudinis mese hic afferò.”
“ Carolus Ricardus de Vefvrotti,.yir nobilis exDijone in Burgundià,
“ Prsefes in fupremà nationum curia has vifitavit regiones, die 4 Feb-
“ ruarii, 1792.”
Rejdence at Torned— Some Individuals o f this Place mentioned— A
■' ntw Addition to the travelling- Party : Enumeration o f thefcien-
- tific Perfons that now compofed it— Departure from Tornea— Some
topographical Remarks on the Environs— Face o f the Country he-
| tween Tornea and Upper Tornea— Different Stages that are paffed
S Salmon Fifhery— Particular Method o f catching thefe Fifh— Anold
Man ferving fo r a Guide— A Batliing-place, after the Fin-
landifh Fafhion— Hand-mills fo r grinding Corn— A few Plants
DU R IN G our ftay at Tornea we became acquainted with
every perfon who was at all difpofed to be fociable. The
moft confiderable merchant o f the town is Mr. Richard, a man
well acquainted with the concerns o f his country, and pofTefTed
o f a great ihare o f natural good lenfe : he has been always a re-
prefentative in the national diet, and is the moft corpulent man
I ever faw in any country. The burgomafter of Tornea was extremely
polite and obliging. W e received civilities from the maf-'
ter o f the town-fchool, who fpeaks French, and is a man o f fomc
merit: he lives, much againft his inclination, in fo remote a corner
o f the North : he is fettered to the place by the ties o f a wife’
V o l . I. Z z and