On the other hand, jouji fignified {ingle combat, when knight was
oppofed to knight, and fquire to fquire, with javelin or dagger.
After the proclamation o f a tournament, and whilft the place o f
adtion was preparing, the knights difplayed their titles and rights
for entering the lifts, by an exhibition o f the armorial bearings of
their families, which were expoled to public view in the cloifters
o f fome adjoining monaftery.
T he royal park which is very large, and planted with trees o f various
kinds, is fttuated at the eaft fide o f Stockholm, towards the
lea. On the firft day o f May the king and all the court, in their,
carriages, accompanied by a guard, go in proceflion round the park
two or three times. Sometimes the king and prince will alight
from their carnages, and converle with the foreign minifters or
other favourites, who happen to be prelent at this ceremony. On
a fmall eminence o f the park which projects into the fea, the Spa-
nilh ambaflador has not long ago built a lummer houfe. A ll the
Ihips palling and repafling from the harbour o f Stockholm come fo
near to this promontory, i f I may call it by this name, as almoft
to touch i t : and a perlbn may fpeak with the crew or palfengers
from the windows o f that lodge, without railing his voice above the
ufual pitch. When in the lodge, you fancy yourfelf on board o f a
Ihip, noton terrafirma. In this there is a Angularity and novelty,
which gives an incitement to the mind, and gratifies the imagination,
in rough weather, by a momentary apprehenfion o f danger,
foon changed into joy by the recolle&ion that there exifts not the
leaft ground for alarm. Some o f the Roman emperors, i f I recoiled;
juftly, were fond o f ftretching out piers and building houfes on a
foundation raifed in the fea : whims o f this kind are to be met with
in every age and in every country. T he king, o f whofe domains
the park forms a part, has allotted portions o f it to feveral noblemen,
with a view o f engaging them to build houfes there. The
Spanilh ambaflador, for the improvement o f his fanciful manfion,
has, at a very confiderable expence, carried the foundation o f it
farther into the fea ; and thus created the moft delightful fum-
mer refidence that can be imagined.
On the twenty-fourth o f June, or Midfummer-day, it is the
cuftom to place lhrubs and flowers at the doors o f great houfes,
as they do in France on the firft o f May, and according to what
I have heard alfo in England. On that day the king and royal
family come to the park, where they take up their abode in tents
for the remainder o f the month, that is, for the Ipace o f nearly a
week. A camp is formed o f the garrifon o f S tockholm, compofed
o f two regiments o f foot-guards, fome companies o f horfe-guards,
and a corps o f artillery. Along the lines o f the camp they raife
poles or pofts, adorned with branches o f cyphers, and fometimes
fcutcheons with mottos or devices. A t the foot o f thé pofts are
placed barrels o f beer on wooden frames : about fix or feven
o clock in the afternoon, on a particular lignai, the barrels are
opened; when each foldier is prefented with a pipe, a loaf o f
bread, two herrings, and fome money. A ll this is done at the expence
o f the officers. In the mean time the military mufic plays,
and the foldiers begin to drink and to dance. Upon each o f the