nio, at all events to reach Muonionifca, and from Muonionifca
to direft our Heps towards Kautokeino. Having arrived at Kauto-
keino, we ihould find ourfelves on the borders o f a river which
falls into the Frozen Ocean ; and we prefumed, that having embarked
on this ftream we could glide down all the way to the gu lf
o f A lten, with the fame eafe as the water o f the river itfelf. That
having got to Alten, we Ihould certainly penetrate to the North
Cape, either by water or on foot, and return by the fame, or fuch
other way as circumftances and our topographical information
might recommend as the molt convenient and fure.
T h e whole o f this fcheme of travel, which we meant to purfue,
was regarded as a caflle in the air, reared by an Italian, who had
lightly taken it into his head that Lapland was ju ft fuch another
country as Italy ; and who was wholly in the dark as to thofe
difficulties which are met. with* in a , diltridt fo far to the/north.
Our propofed enterprife had given occafion to much converfation
in the neighbourhood o f Uleaborg, and people ihewed much
curiofity to fee .us. Mr. dulin, a good naturalill, and polfeiTed
with a firong defire o f acquiring farther knowledge and information,
being .tempted by our plan, and the confidence he repofed
in us, and .differing himfeif to be ,-perfuaded by . our importunities,
coufented ,to accompany us, and to divide with us our pleafures
and pains, Mr. Caftrein, minifter o f Kemi, a man extremely
well informed, and a botami!:, feemed allò diipofed to join the
party ; and thus our hopes o f fuccefs in the undertaking were very
confidcrably raifed. W e were.proud o f having made two fuch
important acquifitions, and we appeared in our own eyes to have
half conquered the difficulty o f reaching the North Cape. Influenced
by thefe cheering ideas, we made the neceffary arrangements
for our journey.
W e purchafed a Ruffian tent to ihelter us from the rain and
the inclemencies o f the weather; and laid in a ftock o f provifions
for twenty days. This confifted of bread, bifeuit, cheefe and dried
fleih o f the rein-deer, with a calk o f brandy. We provided ourfelves
with a double barrelled gun, a thermometer, o f Celfius, a
map by Hermelin, and another by Pontoppidon ; a-compafs which
alfo marked the hour, a box for the reception-of infefts, tobacco,
fulphur, and camphire for the prefervation o f birds and ikins. By
way o f prefents for the Laplanders we took nothing but brandy
and tobacco; the former o f thefe articled being o f all others the
moft acceptable prefcnt you can bellow. !
Our departure from Uleaborg brought out all the ladies and
gentlemen o f our acquaintance. They formed a fort o f prOcef-
fion, which accompanied us all the way to the; boat that was to
carrv us to the other fide o f the river. It w as at ten o’clock at
night, on the 8th o f June, 1799, when the fun Hill Ihewed himfeif
above the horizon. Our lalt farewell was tender and affeff-
ing ; and my departure from this town will be a moment in my
life- ever grateful to my recolleflion. In thofe countries a man
is not alhamed o f the tears o f friendlhip : he feeks not concealment
when fentiment excites the emotions o f grief or joy.
Having landed on the oppofite fide o f the river, we purfued our