very infignificant. T he chemical properties o f the Uleaborg
•waters are thefe :— A veffel o f a hundred cubical inches, contains
Sal digeftivum feu
Alkali vegetabile — — *1®
Alkali tninerale — — 5.7
Calx vitriolata **— — 0.8
Calx aerata — —“ 1-9
Fertum — — 1-2
Terra filicea — — 1-7
T o which rauft be added twelve cubic inches o f carbonic acid,
and ten o f hepatic gas.
The river Ulea, on the banks o f which the town is fituated,
rolls down with a great noife; and its navigation is attended with
eonfiderable danger. T h e trading veflels which go on this river
to the fea, are conducted by pilots paid by government,' and matriculated
or regiftered. None o f the Finnifh peafants, unlefs thus
regiftered, are permitted to engage in that navigation. This regulation
was adopted to prevent the continuance o f accidents which
frequently happened in the rivet, by boats being upfet and people
drowned, who were going up and down. Such is the velocity
with which ihips perform their courfe down the river, that they
generally run fix Engliih miles in the fpace o f twenty minutes.
The falmon fiihery here is very eonfiderable ; and the falmon o f
Uleaborg fetch a higher price at Stockholm than thofe o f any
other place. Speaking o f falmon, I fhall be excufed by my reader
for relating a fact, not more lingular than well authenticated :
A gentle-
A gentleman o f Uleaborg went thence by fea to Stockholm ; on
his return, the fhip’s Reward, in cleaning the plate after dinner,
let fall into the fea a filver fpoon, which was fwallowed by a falmon
that chanced to pafs by. T he day after this falmon made
his way up the river near Uleaborg, where it was caught by a
filherman. T he fiiher went to Tell the fpoon to a filverfmith, who,
on recognizing the cypher, immediately conveyed it to the gentleman’s
wife. T he lady, who had not received any intelligence
from her hufband fmce his departure from Uleaborg, was ftruck
with the belief that he had been fhipwrecked; and this feemed
the more probable, as his return had been delayed by contrary
winds. T h e gentleman at laft conibled his affli&ed wife by his
re-appearance, and amufed her with the recital o f the mode in
which the filver fpoon was loft.
W ith regard to the foil in the vicinity o f Uleaborg, it differs in
fome particulars ; but it is generally fandy. In the valleys, on the
fides of rivulets, and on the banks o f the river UleS, there is to be
found fome mould; but in fuch fmall quantities as fearcely to
be worthy o f notice. I f there be any to be difcovered elfewhere,
it has either been waihed down from the adjacent hills, or has
been ground on which country-houfes formerly flood. Marl, the
ereta argillacea fijfili-fn a bilis, Lintt. is, as far as I know, not to be
met with in this neighbourhood, nor chalk, nor lime-earth ; but
lifne-ftone has been found in the parifhes o f Kemi Muhos, Pal-
damo, and Fijao. In Padesjerfoi a copper-mine has been dif-
covered, which is now wrought. T he ore is pyrites feneo-cup-
L 1 2 • ’ re1ls’