Mr. Weftring, a phyiician at Norkoping. He has publilhed
lome interelting obfervations on the ufe that may be made o f
Jichen9 in the production o f various colours.
Mr. H. Gahn, a phyiician, who is at the head o f his profefiion
in Sweden in refpeft o f the theory o f phyfic. He is attentive to
every new experiment, difcovery, and improvement, and keeps
pace with the progrefs o f feience.
Mr. Ncezen, a phyiician at Upfala, who employs his leiliire
hours in the ftudy o f natural hiltory. He has given a defcription
o f lome inlefts.
Mr. Tengmalm, a phyiician at Wefteraas, and accounted the
bell praftitioner in the provinces. He has furnilhed two very
good papers in the memoirs o f the academy, one on Swediih
birds, and another on a woman who bred a number o f flies in
her nole.
Belles-Lettres, Univerfal Hiftory, Hiftory o f Literature and other
Studies, ufeful or agreeable.
Mr. Schonberg, already noticed in the academy o f belles-lettres
Mr. Liljeflrale, a poet.
Mr. Gerfve, Count Sparre. See academy o f belles-lettres.
Mr. Aldbreth, a member o f the two foregoing academies.
Mr. V on Rofenftien, before mentioned in the Swediih academy.
Mr. Franc, a poll-malter.
Baron Renterholm, famous on account of the influence he pof-
feffed in the direftion o f public affairs during the regency. I
know not that he has cultivated any branch o f literature.
Mr. Rofenbald, a devotee, and thought to be one o f the llluminati.
Mr. Silverllolpe. See Swediih academy.
Mr. E k e l: the bell chemiil in Sweden,
In this academy we allb find the names o f Mr. Zetzel, Lager-
heim, Ofverbom, Schultzenheim, and Rofenhane.
Belides the literary academies, o f which I have given an account
in the foregoing pages, there are fome others in Sweden, viz.
1. The royal academy o f fciences at Upfala, whofe tranfaftions
are written in Latin.
2. T h e royal fociety for the cultivation o f fciences and belles-
lettres at Gothenburg, which has publilhed lome memoirs.
3. T he royal phyliographical fociety, which was inflituted at
Lund in 17/6, and incorporated by the king in 17 7 8 . T he papers,
which this fociety has given to the world, relate only to the
natural hiltory, chemiftry, and agriculture o f the province o f Skane
or Scania.
4. T he fociety o f belles-lettres, natural hiltory, and rural aeco-
nomy at Carlltadt.
5. T he academy o f belles-lettres at Abo.
6. T he Finlandilh fociety for rural oeconomy.
7. T he patriotic and agricultural lociety o f Stockholm.
8. The academy for painting and fculpture at Stockholm.
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