pfcrfifted in our requeft, the young men began to examine their
ihirts, as well as thoJe o f the girls, and there was a general hunt
for the little animal w7e wanted. The poor flea was never chafed
with lo much anxiety as on the preient occaflon. One o f the girls
withdrew for a little, and foon returned holding fait her prey. W e
ftrung the viétim upon the needle o f the microicope, and fhewed
it to our audience. It is impoffible to exprefs the geftures, the
exclamations, the cries o f admiration, which the light o f this animal
o f wondrous flze drew from them. Luckily the inftrument
was o f no great confequence, or I ihould have thought it in much
danger o f being broken in a thoufand pieces. Our fpeiiators,
male and female, fliatched it out o f one another’s hands with the
moil aitonifliing impatience. They never feemed tired of examining
the different limbs and form o f the little animal, accuftomed
to live at their expence.
From Hutta to Kemi is about eighteen miles, which we ac-
compliihed on Monday the l'oth o f June.
CH A P T E R X X V ;
The M m tpr o f the Parifh o f Kemi— Environs o f this Town— The
River near K em i: Danger ofnaVigatiftg it— The Church, a rtiag-
' nifcent Building— Striking Contrafi it males with the miferable
Huts around it— JPalk from Kemi to a fko rt Di/lance to look at
fome Church Bells— Experiment tried by the Author o f a Fin-
landtfh Vapour-Bath— Some Intelligence relative to Botany and
Entomology— Departure from Kemi, and arrival at Totnea.
W E were lodged at Kemi in the houfe o f Mr. Caftrein. This
' gentleman, whom I had not feen before, though I had
heard much o f him at Ulfeaborg, was1 the perfdn who prbpofe'd to
attend Us on our northern expedition. He is a man o f extreme
gentlenefs and pdliteneis o f manners, and is poffbfled o f much
knowledge, though without pretenfion to it, and without being
aware o f his oWn merit. He fpeaks Latin well, French a little,
and undfirflands German. Latin and German "Were the languages
we preferred for our co'nvcrfation. Mr. Caffrem is the firfl mi-
nifler o f the parifh of Kemi'; and he has the- fuperintendence o f a
Country comprehending about nine hundred Englilh miles fquare.
Befldes his wife and children, he has eleven brothers' and filters to
fuppoft: by this numerous family he is looked up to as their common