too has fallen a victim to jealouiy, envy, and intrigue. In a
word, the arts are reduced to a flate o f monopoly, in the hands
o f a few who know how to impoie upon the minds o f their
countrymen, by the machinations o f fecret cabal and open
C H A P T E R X.
Tribute o f Praife to Mr. Coxe fo r his Account o f Sweden; and fo r
his Eagernefs in collecting Information— A Hint given to Traveller
s-~-The general Imprefjion made on the Author's Mind, o f the
State o f Sweden in refpeCl to Arts and Sciences; Commerce and
Manufactures; and civil Freedom— The Ufe o f Sledges in Winter,
and the Advantages derived from it— The different Kinds o f
Sledges ; and the Roads made through the Snow— Departure from
Stockholm; and Journey to Griflehamn-—Pajfage by Haga and
Ulriefdal— Defcription o f the Gardens o f Haga in Winter— Face
f the Country between TJlriefdal and Griflehamn— Foxes met with
on the Road—-Want o f Inns or Public-Houfes— Provifions i f the
Pea/ants that attend Travellers— Character, Manners, and do-
mefiic Condition o f the Peafantry.
T F there be no intelledlual fubjedl, however abftradl and refined,
but muft neceffarily be attentively fcrutinized and viewed in
various relations ; how much more indifpenfibly requifite is it,
that diverfity o f tours and extenfive travels ihould be undertaken
by different individuals, for the diiplay of manners, the knowledge
o f arts, and that the book o f nature, beft inftruftor, ihould be
wide fpread before mankind. Amidft the vaft and almoft infinite
V o l.. I. Z variety