C L A S S V .
Mathematical Sciences.
Mr. Gadolin, bilhop o f Abo.
Mr. Ferner, already noticed in the academy o f belles-lettres.,
Mr. Melanderhielm ; he has written a book on aftronomy, in
two volumes ottavo*; a courfe o f mathematics, in feveral volumes
not yet printed ; commentaries on the theory o f the moon, and
feveral papers in the a£ls o f the academy. As a mathematician,
he has the charatter o f a confummate calculator, and profound
geometrician. His manners are marked by an uncommon degree
o f coldnels and apparent indifference.
Mr. a f Chapman, known as the author o f experiments on the
refiftance o f fluids, printed among the memoirs o f the academy.
He is confidered as the greateft naval architett in Sweden.
Mr. Planman, celebrated for an obfervation taken at Cayana-
borg, o f the tranfit o f the planet Mercury over the fun ; which
obfervation, in conjunttion with that o f De la Caille, at the Cape
o f Good Hope, form the bafis for the menluration o f dimenfion in
the fyftem o f the world.
Mr. Profperin, celebrated on account o f his extenfive table on
the diftances o f comets, and feveral memoirs publilhed in the acts
o f the .academy on the fame fubjett.
Mr. Lejonmark, author o f feveral memoirs on the conftruftion
o f equations o f the third and fourth degree. Not a man o f genius
nius or invention, but well acquainted with chemiftry and mineralogy.
He is bergrat, or counfellor o f the college o f miners.
Mr. Nicander, compiler o f the Swediih almanacks.
Mr. Landerbeck, author, as I believe, o f a paper publilhed in
the tranfattions o f the royal fociety o f London, “ De Methodo
cc ¡nveniendi Curvas ex datis radiorum Oiculi propnetatibus.
W h en he was firft propofed as a member by Ferner, he was re-
jetted ; but on his producing a letter o f recommendation from
England, as is faid, he was admitted.
Mr. Nordmark, formerly profeflor o f mathematics at Griefle
walde; now profeflor o f natural philofophy at Upfala. He is th e
author o f feveral memoirs publilhed among the atts o f the academy,
and o f one publilhed lately under the title o f “ Lacunae in
1 dottrina proportionum Euclidea . animadverfae, expletio,” in
which he undertakes to obviate the objettions o f Dr. Robert
Simfon, profeflor in the univerlity o f Glalgow, to the fifth and
feventh definitions in the fifth book o f Euclid;* and in which-he
has clearly ihewn that Euclid’ s method' o f treating proportions is
ftrittly mathematical. He is one o f the mod learned and enlightened
men in the univerfity o f Upfala : he is not only acquainted
with the modern languages, and with Greek and Latin,
but is alfo a- great proficient in Hebrew, Arabic, and Syriac.
Mr. Lidtgren, aftronomical obferver at Lund.
Mr. Schulten, profeflor in the military fchool at Carlberg *
he has made hydrographical charts.of thegulph o f Bothnia ; and
* See Simfon’s Elements of Euclid.