tion more ufeleis or uncertain than an enquiry into the exact mode
o f pronouncing dead languages. Mr. Norberg is undoubtedly a
man o f genius, as well as o f induilry and learning. He has pub-
lilhed a Codex Syriaco Hexaplaris, with a Latin veriion, and a great
variety of academical treatifes, relating chiefly to the eaftern nations,
their manners and cuiloms, o f which he is a great admirer;
their gods, laws, &c. and all in a ilyle o f pure latinity, formed
chiefly on that o f Tacitus.
Matthew Fremling, profeflor o f theoretical philofophy. He
has publilhed a piece entitled, “ A n Enquiry into the Arguments
“ o f Mr. Kant in favour o f the exiftence o f God, and o f the Im-
“ mortality o f the S o u l w i t h fome theological eflays. His beil
works are, his Diflertations on Space as it is conceived by Kant.
He poflefles great acutenefs o f mind, as well as a fine imagination,
and fluency o f expreflion, and has the talent o f diffufing an intereil
and animation on the moil abftrufe fubje&s. He has been engaged
in feveral literary controverfies with the prefent bifhop (formerly
profeflor) Munthe, a follower and commentator o f Kant’s
Retzius, profeflor o f natural hiilory, chemiltry and oeconomy,
above noticed.
Tegman, profeflor o f mathematics, efteemed a very good teacher.
Lundbald, profeflor o f poetry and eloquence. He gained the
prize in the academy o f belles-lettres by a poem on the victory o f
Charles XII. at Narva. He is a great Latin poet, and indeed the
only one in Sweden.
Sjoberg, profeflor o f hiilory, author o f diflertations on Swediih
In the Swediih as in the German univerfities, there is an order
o f graduates called doctors o f philofophy. It may ferve to throw
ibme light perhaps on the ilate o f philofophy in Sweden, to mention
the manner in which they obtain their degree. T he y firit
undergo an examination on the fubjedl o f divinity, and afterwards
on that o f Latin. Having gone through thefe examinations,
they are examined a fecond time on the fubjedt o f L atin, and fome
queillons are put to them by all the ten profefflbrs. T he y then defend
fome theii.s o f their own compofition, and without any farther
ceremony are made do ¿tors o f philofophy. There are two
printing offices in Lund.
T he Undents o f the univerfity o f Lund are in general not o f
the firil and richeil, but the poorer dalles o f fociety: they had
the character o f being very riotous, and frequently ihewed that
kind o f unruly ipirit by which, as I underitand, the Eton and
Weilminiler fcholars have upon fome oocaiions diilinguiihed
themfelves. O f late, however, the manners o f the Lundians have
become more gentle and refined, and that refradlorineis and defiance
on which they formerly prided themfelves, is gradually
foftened into decency and tranquillity, iiich as becomes the friends
o f the mufes. A fociety or club has been eilabliihed for purchaf-
ing the periodical publications o f foreign Countries, among the
profeflors and iludents, which brings about a fort o f connexion that
is very advantageous to the former, and occupies their attention
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