hundred and fevéntÿ gèrìtlèmèn mày bé conveniently lodged.
THè pr'ihces and pririceifes have each ièpàirâté pavilions. The fide
o f the palace fronting thé lake haâ à flight o f lleps, with a balii-
flrâdë, Which is òtnaméntèd with iron flowet-ptits. On a kind
o f pldtfotm, between the lieps and the caille, flatid two fmall
llatties in bhfnze ; slid another o f the fame eornpofitioh is placed
bétwéfen the ftéps and thé lake, réprélentihg Neptune. On thè
rilàir-café âré two lions o f hiàrblè holding fciitèhèótls, and fëvëial
óthèr marble ftàtuési Ori thé opijJôfité fide Of thè paìacè, parallel
to the wholë length o f thè bhildiftg; is à térfàeë adòrnèd with a
bâlriltràdè, arid two brazen ftatues. In the midlt o f à gràfs-plot,
o f bowlihg-greeri, ori Which à féw ÿëw-trees afë planted, is a large
bâfin o f Water, with a Hèrcülès deltroyirig the hydra : theré are;
befides this, leverai pieces o f w àtèr Of finali fize, and a number o f
figurés in bronze aré arranged around thófé balms. A t each end
o f the terrace is an iron gate, ©Ver one o f which are two lions in
bronzei and Over thè other two hoiries. Defce'nding from the terrace,
you fee four large vafes arid four ftatues o f the fame metal.
A ll the works in bronze which you obferve here, vverë taken at
Prague in the thirty years war. On one o f the vafés yòù perceive
the cypher o f the Emperor Ferdinand IL They are, for the moil
part, in the ftyle o f the Florentine fchool, in which the German
àrtiils ufed at that time chiefly to lludy. T h e walks in the garden
are well laid out, but in a fafhion that approaches too much the
iliffhefs o f fludied regularity. One quarter o f it, called Canton, is an
imitation o f the Chinefe manner. Here is ereétèd a large pavilion
amidft a dozen o f fmaller ones, each deflined for different pur-
pofes : the whole refembles the refidence o f a mandarin. O f the
fmaller pavilions there is one that contains a complete forge and
work-ihop, with the neceflary apparatus for making locks, an art
in which Guilavus III. is faid to have excelled, and which he frequently
pradliled. It is cultomary, among Mahomedan princes,
or perhaps a duty enjoined by their laws, to learn in their youth
fome trade, by means o f which they may gain a fubfiltence, in cafe
o f their being reduced to that neceflity by fome o f thole fudden revolutions,
which are incident to all defpotic governments. I do not
fuppofe that Guilavus III. was adluated by any fuch motive; but as
this prince, from fome reafon or other, chofe to be a mechanic,
there was a lingular propriety in a king o f Sweden becoming an
artificer in brafs and iron. T h e other pavilions ferve for bedrooms,
for fupper-rooms, dancing and card-rooms. T h e furniture,
which is very Iplendid, was brought from China ; but, after
all, the object with which a fpectator is moll forcibly imprelfed
in the pleafure-grounds o f Drottningholm, is the contrail between
trees and flowers and barren rocks. In the palace itlelf is to be
feen an elegant library, fitted up with great tafte. Befides a well
chofen colledlion o f books, it contains a number o f Etrurian vales,
fome o f them highly valuable. Among an immenfe number o f
manufcripts, there is one by the celebrated Queen Chrilliana, entitled
Mifcellaneous Thoughts; alfo a copy in the hand-writing o f
Charles XII. when a child; on one o f the leaves o f which is in-
V o l . I. pj foribed