and children. W e likewife had the good D fortune o f beinOg introduced
to Dr. Deutfch, a perlon o f gentle and engaging manners,
and at the fame time very ikilful in his profeflion. He is a
great lover o f the ftudy o f natural hiftory, and had by his own in-
duftry made a very pretty collection o f Swedilh and Laplandiih
infedls, and one o f plants: he had alfo made fa n e progrefs in
colleiling birds. He had conftrudted a fmall electrical machine,
and his own ingenuity had fupplied the want o f thofe means
which are fo eaiily obtained in the more fouthern countries.
Upon becoming acquainted with the Dodtor, we found him fo
intelligent a man, that we were defirous to induce him to become
one o f our party, and therefore made the propofal to him, which
he accepted ; more indeed, I believe, from a love o f fcience, and
particularly o f natural hiftory, than from any other confideration.
His profeflion would not admit o f a longer abfence than a fortnight
; but, to oblige us, he confented to go with us as far as
Kengis-bruk. W e now only wanted one individual to complete
our caravan. W e had in hdr. Caftrein a very good botaniit; in
Mr. Julin, a mineralogiit; in Dr. Deutfch, an excellent entomo-
logiii ; in Colonel Skioldebrand, a landfcape painter. As for me,
I charged myfelf with the article o f ornithology, and the office of
digeiling the communications o f my fellow-travellers, who every
evening gave me the names o f the fpecimens they had found,
with their own obfervations upon them. Never had any journey
a more promifing appearance at the outlet; nor could Lapland
ever have a chance o f being explored in a manner more agreeable,
able, more inftrudlive, and at the fame time more ufeful. N o thing
was wanting to render our travelling company quite com-
pleat but one man ; this was Mr. Secretary Swamberg, whom we
faw at Tornea, and who was on his way to Lapland, being com-
miflioned by the academy o f fciences at Stockholm to afcertam
the truth o f the operations o f Maupertuis and his colleagues,
which were undertaken at the fame time that Condamine failed
for South America. An aftronomer and mathematician added to
our philofophical ftaff would have made us the moft refpe&able
corps that ever traverfed the mountains o f Lapland. He was
our friend, and defired nothing more fincerely ; but the ihip
which had on board his quadrant and other mathematical inftru-
ments o f obfervation, was not arrived ; and its arrival was fo uncertain,
that we could not hazard a delay, as our time became
every hour more precious. W e therefore refolved to depart, and
proceed with all expedition to Upper Tornea, where we propofed
to begin a more accurate courfe o f obfervation.
T h e peninfula of Swenfar, upon which the town o f Tornea is
iituatcd, has by fome been very improperly called an tfland. It
is joined to the continent by a tongue o f land, which, indeed, is
overflowed when the river is h ig h ; but ftill horfes in carts are
able to ford it, and the people frequently pafs it upon ftepping-
ftones : it cannot therefore be coniidered as an ifland.
From Tornea to Upper Tornea we perceived no alteration in
the nature o f the country, nor in the houfes or inhabitants o f
Finland. T he convenience o f travelling is the fame, and you find
Z z 2 hories