the centre o f rendezvous for the benefit o f our company, who
were engaged in different parts o f the mountain. I will fubjoin
a lift o f the different oljeéts o f natural hiftory, which were the
fruits o f our induftry in the courfe o f this excurfion.
In s e c t s .
Papilio Ligea
Papilio rubi
Leptura interrogationis
Tenthredo lucorum
Tenthredo virens
Silpha quadripuftulata
Cerambyx noétis
Elater teffelatus
Chryfomela Lapponica
Cicindela iylvatica
P l a n t s i n F l c
Lycopodium complanatum
Convallaria majalis
Lycopodium Selago
Geranium paluftre
Andromeda polifolia
Anthoxanthum odoratum
Ranunculus auricomus
Bartfia alpina
Vaccinium uliginofum
Mr. Julin made a lift o f all the plants he could recognize on
the mountain o f Avafaxa, and called it Flora Avafaxenfis; it is as
Achillea millefolium
Andromeda polifolia
Arbutus uva urfi
Betula alba
Betula nana
Caltha paluftris
Erica vulgaris
Gnaphalium ?
Juniperus communis
Sedum ?
Lycopodium clavatum
Lycopodium Selago
Caltha paluftris Melampyrum fylvaticum
Canvallaria bifolia Oxalis acetofella
Empetrum nigrum Pinus abies
Epilobium ? Pinus fylveftris
Populus tremula Poly trichum ?
Cornus fuecica Sorbus aucaparia
Equifetum fylvaticum Tanacetum ?
Lichen rangiferinus Trientalis Europæa
Lichen geographicus Tròllius Europæus
Lichen tartareus Vaccinium myrtillus
Rubus arcticus Vaccinium vitis Idæa
Rubus chamæmorus Viola canina
Rubus Idæus Viola paluftris
Rumex acetofella
Mr. Swamberg gave us for dinner, among other things, a
o f rein-deer, remarkable for its having kept good in his cellar eight
months. The animal had been killed in the month o f November,
1 7 9 8 , and we ate it the 19 th o f June, 1799- I wiih, by
mentioning this circumftance, to convey to the reader an idea o f
the length o f winter in this country, and for how long a period it
is poffible to preferve iced meat found. T he roaft was excellent,
and it had not the leaft o f an unfavoury fmell; it had no fault, but
that o f being rather dry.
On the 20th o f June, about midnight, w e fe t out from Ofver
Tornea, and all the pleafures o f our hofpitable quarters contributed
to make us feel more fenfibly the pain o f our departure. This pain
was much encreafed by the lofs o f Mr, Caftrein s company, who
V 0L- i . 3 B determined