barrels iits a foldier, in the form o f a Bacchus, or Ibme other
figure, more or lefs ridiculous. Thofe that are dreffed up in this
manner firft take the liquor and propofe the toafts, which are generally
numerous, and ponftantly accompanied with the cry o f
vivat, anfwering to the Engliih huzza. Wh en any o f the royal
family, or a general officer, chance to pais by, their healths are
drank, and always with the fame accompaniment o f vivat. A
kind o f mafquerade enfues for a ffiort time, during which the
loldiers amufe the people, that flock round them in the lines o f
the camp, with longs, and indulge themfelves in various freaks
and ads o f merriment. On the beating o f the retreat, every
thing is again fubmitted to the reign o f order. Such feftivals,
without diminiffiing relped, certainly tend to excite in the fol-
diery and people an intereft and attachment to the royal family.
The Months o f May and June, September and OSlober, particularly
difagreeable, on Account o f the Weather— Precautions agahfl the
Severities ofJVinter,. Stoves, and Warm Clothing— Amufements o f
the Capital in Winter— Plays, Operas, Concerts, Balls and A f-
femblies— A n : Account o f the Swedijh Ladies, their Beauty, A c-
eomplijhmentsand Manners— Womemof another Defcription— Cha-
raider o f a Swedijh P etit Maitre— Spirit o f Society, Mufic; D in ner
parties— Formality and RJlraint o f Swedjh Manners— E tiquette
o f the Court— Cojlume o f D r eft— Private Suppers given by
the King and Royal Family-—Intercourfe between the Court and
the Peoplei and their mutual Relations o f Condefcenjion and Re-
fpeld— Great AJfemblies at the Exchange, which are honoured by
the Prefence o f the Royal Family— Places o f public Refort, and
their Expences— A Club called the Society..
'^ y 'H E N the cold o f winter drives the people o f fortune into
the capital,, then begin at Stockholm plays, operas, balls,
and great dinners; which' during the fummer months had been
fufpended. Some months o f the year are in Sweden extremely
difagreeable : September and Odober, when the rains fet in ;
and May and June, when the thaw commences» A t thefe two
V o l . L. L feafons