in this department: befides, we were perfuaded that Mauper-
tuis had, from a fort o f oftentation, beftowed an importance on
an objeft which it was not worth the trouble o f going to fee.
The Ruffians had penetrated as far as Kengis.
In the courfe of this journey we collefted the following plants
in flower:
Casraftium vifcofum Pinguicula vulgaris
•Cajraftium alpinum Myrica gale
Among the infeds were the following:
Corambyx mordax Leptura interrogationis*
•Corambyx inquilitor Cantharis pcdinicornis
Chryfomela quadripundata Papilio antiopa
Chryiomela coccinea Cicindela reparia
Chryfomela Lapponica Silpha atrata
.Chryfomela aenea T in e * vari*
* The leptura is very common in this country, and generally lies concealed in
the corol of tbe-Trellius Eurofaus, Linn. Almoft each flower had a leptura, and
often two, in the attitude of generation.
CH A P T E R X X X .
Stay at Kengis— Entertainment given by the InfpeElor— The Bear-
Dance a very fatiguing fo rt o f Amufement— FTfit from fome young
Women o f the Neighbourhood; among them one, a Native o f Kol-
lare, o f a furprifmg Degree o f bodily, Strength-—Separation o f the
Travellers The Author and another Gentleman alone proceed
Northward— Geographical Notice on the River Tornea.
TH E infpedor o f the founderies at Kengis fpared no expence
that could contribute to render our flay at this place agreeable
to us. He thought nothing in his houfe too coftly for our
entertainment: he aflembled the peafants to fhew us their dancing
and the genius o f their mufic; and on Sunday he treated our
party with punch and liqueurs in a handfome little tent, which he
had^ereded on a fmall eminence under his Italian poplars.
Among the different dances exhibited by the peafants on this
occafion, there was one which feemed particularly curious; it is
called, in the language o f the country, the bear s-dance.. A pea-
fant refts his hands upon the ground, and at the fame time fup-
ports himfelf on his legs, fo as to keep his body in a horizontal
pofitiori, like the bear, or any other animal, when it walks on all