anfwer any queftions that may be put to them by the lludents,
whether in the ledure-room or privately. The profeffors moll
dillinguiihed by academical ardour encourage fuch queltions very
much, and are highly delighted when they find in them proofs
not only o f diligence, but o f genius; for, not to take for granted
every thing that is given out, but to hefitate, to doubt, and to
llart difficulties, is fo far to be confidered as a mark o f genius, as
it lhews that other powers o f the mind are at work befides mere
conception and memory. I have been told by different perfons,
both in Ireland and Scotland, that the celebrated Hutchinfon,
profeffor o f moral philofophy in the univerfity o f Glalgow, and
author o f a book on morals, which makes all virtue to confilt in
benevolence, prompted by a moral fenfe, was wont to live, as it
were, and converle with his pupils, as i f they had been his equals
and companions. There was never a day that paffed when he did
not walk even for hours in the college gardens with fome o f his
lludents, o f whole capacity he entertained a good opinion, or with
one that chofe to converfe with him, and alk any quellion. In
the evenings, in like manner, he always had a number o f them at
his houle.
The fcience o f theology, if it admits o f any progreffive improvement,
has certainly experienced none in the univerfity o f
Lund, where orthodoxy reigns in its moll rigid form. T he caliph
Omar was not more firmly perfuaded that every thing ne-
ceffary or proper to be known by man was contained in the Koran,
than the profeffors o f divinity at Lund are, that there is
nothing on the fubje& o f theology to be added or defired, beyond
what has been taught by Luther. Dr. Hylander, one o f the profeffors
extraordinary o f divinity, teaches the Greek and oriental
In the faculty o f jurilprudence there are two profeffors, one
affillant, and one magijler docens, or private teacher. Profeffor
Tingwall is known in the north by his lyllem o f jurifprudence,
publiihed in the Swedilh language, and by the indullry and zeal
with which he difcharges the duties o f his office. T h e other
profeffor, Laurence Munthe, is elleemed a man o f confiderable
learning in his profeffion.
In the medical clals there are three profeffors, Dr. Wollin, D r ,
Barfoth, and Dr. Engelhart; and two affillants, Dr. Floriman
and Dr. Munck.
Dr. Barfoth, profeffor o f anatomy, travelled in England and
part o f Scotland.
Dr. Engelhart, profeffor o f the theory and practice o f medicine,
is firll phyfician to the king. He is confidered as a man o f
the world rather than a man o f letters ; and in return, he treats
men who are only men o f letters and fcience, and not converlant
with the great world, in a very haughty and fupercilious manner-
His academical lectures may be deemed rather compilations than
original productions, and are chiefly recommended to the attention
o f the auditors by an ealy and agreeable elocution. The
Doctor travelled both in France and England.
D r .