The Finniih word kalakucko, here tranilated pafty, Hgnifies a
pye with fiih baked in it o f lome fort or other.
Uleaborg is iituated in an exteniive plain on the river Ulea,
And if o f them one worfe could be,
Commis of cuftoms muft be he.
The burghers, they* were fain to cheat,
That they and families might eat;
But all thofe officers had pay,
Yet peafants coming in their way,
They of provifions did bereave,
And fcarcely faid them—i£ By your leave.”
Now, fays a peafant, could I find,
Like you, companions to my mind;
My fledge I wou’d this inftant take,
And to that town a journey make:
I have fame tallow yet to fell,
And butter that will pay me well:
The peafants all replied, “ Agreed,
“ To Uleaborg let’s now proceed.”
Hold there, my friends (cried a fhrewd knave),
I muft not go, for doubts I have;
I now bethink me of fbme pranks
Which I play’d there, will get no thanks:
For I muft give you all to know,
I t is not many months ago,
‘That I occafion had to be
At Uleaborg, and took with me
As fine a piece of roafted veal,
As you would wifh for at . a meal.
You know thofe dogs-—a fly Commis
Found it, and took it, firs, from me:
I begg’d, intreated, and I pray’d,
Said all I could, but all I faid,
Avail’d me not a fingle jot,
Have it he wou’d, wou’d I or not.
* I pleaded
which empties itfelf near to. it in the,.gulfiof Bothnia. That river
is alluded to in th'erfbr$going tale.-; * ft
j Chrifbnas is aTeaihn o f leiiure with the;pe3fapU,o{-Finland, as
I pleaded I was far from home,
To Uleaborg on bus’nefs eoiqe, -
And that;!. brought with mg this meat* ;
That I. in town anight of it eat»;,,g ^ F
Not paying mer^ahtsT^rfmyiileepingif iv.U
I wou’d non they ^on’d^pay my keepingisY
Howe’er my yeaf he tpokj>dQn%tdc>ub£ it^/iT
And w^ifajn^>ga Y^thonft :>i£¿i biiA
When I
Two daysjJ^*«M?gn$
She cail’^gie foolraild^^Wi?/ I sgbeft yM
Said none .wa^^up’iiifo.-as myfelh i ' fcA
You are (at laf&fheTajd') ¥?*& '
Give him ydPE7Y«3i^s|ii^ egytkpaftyt:! bnA
Stop ther^fde^wifehatt^^--^^1^ sdT
You won’t meod^hat^itafelbgisn «T **
. The iwprds .which: fhe^h^Tnnfnent laid,
Had put a though sntOofiay-he^-tun Ham ■
A trick iron ?
And.ferye himiWCfffeitJiantihefcieEVySnse.:! - •
So pufs I took* and!made hsr^s ien 1 10T
To put in pafte,
But wou’d you think,cmy ;fhnpl§;wife T
Seeing our cat deprived, of life, gp0^ ; 9 f '
Begg’d that tl^e ¿kip-- Fd*lc£he£^e, - --*
Lining for hen peh?g to make,bin0 1v
What!•_ I e^claiirfd^in -angry- fit j ~
You are -fpr ,giyjng> ai-titrbit^ } i
Pufs without fkin, fhou’d I nowbake,^
The Commis forHai hafo >ftiil take ;-, | -
And our Paldamofs gpcid things-more
Grow fond §£ th^:h£rwas before:
V o l . I. I S s Our