publifhed, for the ufe o f his pupils, elements o f aftronomy and
Mr. Nordwall, one of the beft mechanics in Sweden. It was
under the direction o f Nordwall that the famous canal o f Trol-
hlitta was completed. He is now engaged in the continuation o f
a work, called in Swediih Bergverks Lexicon, i. e. a dictionary on
mines and mineralogy : it was begun by Mr. Renman, who wrote
a hiftary o f Sweden, which is well known in ,the literature ot
that country.
Mr. Swamberg, fecretary to the academy, a native o f Tornea.
He is a profound mathematician and aftronomer; a man of.ex-
tenfive general knowledge, and a true philofopher. He has been
lately fent into Lapland to verify the obfervations o f Maupertuis,
and is at this moment employed, together with other mathematicians,
in repeating the obfervations made by the French academicians,
which were lufpetted o f inaccuracy.
T o the fame clafs likewife belong Mr. Polheimer, a good mechanic
; Mr. Tegman, and Mr. Bouck.
C L A S S V I.
Mr. af Acrel, efteemed the beft furgeon in Sweden. He is a
man o f great m e r it; but it is to be regretted that he has remained
wholly ignorant o f the dilcoveries that have been made in phyiio-
logy during the laft ten years, in other parts, o f Europe. The
confequence o f this is, that he is devoted to his own lyftem, and
will admit no alteration and improvement. He is a good operator.
Mr. Schultzencrantz, a very old man, was in his day an excellent
Mr. Wahlbom, a naturalift.
Mr. Odhelius ; in extreme old age, he has not only furvived
his reputation as an operator in difeafes o f the eyes, but almoft all
recollettion o f his exiftence.
Mr. Blom, already mentioned in the Swediih academy ; he is
one o f the fuperintendants o f the mines at Fahlun.
Mr, Acrel, junior, nephew to the older Acrel, and as diftin-
guifhed in his profeffion. This young man gave indications o f a
vigorous and inventive mind, and much was expetted from the
progrefs o f years and experience. But a ftroke o f apoplexy in the
head has obliged him to retire from bufinefs, and to abandon his
Mr. Murray, a great anatomift, and profeflor o f anatomy at
Up fala: he has written a number o f papers in the memoirs o f the
academy o f fciences at Stockholm, as well as in thofe o f the
royal fociety at Upfala. He is poflefled o f an extraordinary fund
o f knowledge, and noted for his ardent zeal to communicate his
{kill and fcience to his pupils.
Mr. Hagftrom, a iurgeon and phyiician at Stockholm : the
beft accoucheur after Schultzencrantz. He is accounted a more
learned man than the latter.
V o l . I. S Mr.