“ no work to be done, and I would go with you with all my
“ heart ; but h bethink me how I fervcd one of" theft officers
*5 lately, and I am rather fearful th a t'I ihall be known. You
“ mud all underftand that I went lately to Uleaborg, and had an
“ excellent piece o f roaft veal in my fledge with me, which the
“ officers took away, though I told them I could not fpare it, as
“ I was at a diftance from home, and brought it with me to
“ eat in town whiift I ftaid there. All-I: cotdd fay availed me
“ nothing : thofe greedy fellows were refolved to have my roaft
“ veal, and ib they took it from me,- O h ! to be lure they are
“ fad dogs, and plunder the peafants o f their proviftons at a ffiock-
“ ing:rate,' las
il u When I returned home, continued he, I told my wife how
“ ;Ichad beenierived, and I got heartily icolded by her lor it. What
‘ha'cowardlyfòfe-tyea» ;are;>)eried:ihe, why did you not break the
*6 officer’s head ? Give lain youf roaft veal truly ¡ Give him thè
“ devil t-Ojiftuffi lib maw* witb.tesffihas did my w ife exclaim ; but
‘bwhabfhe iàjd3,put>iithov^htiBvto nay» head i t :Ahi! "Ah ! .cried’If
“• my gentlemen 1I it ihall n ot b e lon g before lama even with: you !
I faid. thefe. words I fnatchcd u p our grea t’ cat by her hind
“«.legs, and T prefently alifpatched her.— Now/i fay&rl, W‘iip,<|int
fome-iirei into the oven, and 1 wilhgét ready feme -paft&i .and
“ pufi ihall: be baked in a pafty .-¿-AsH faid this,5 my 'Wife flopped
“ me—-truly (he would have our cat’s ikfn to line her pelice with !
“ Upon which I laid to her rather angrily—-What, you are for
“ giving the rogues o f officers a titbit, are you ? If-We ftfip off
. ’ “ the
“ the cat’s ikin .the feg en try will take our pnfs for a fine Paldamo
“ hare, arid grow more and more iri love with our good things;
« and thus the fledges o f our poor townfmenwill never efcape
“ being plundered: no, no, lays I, they ihall have the eat, fldn
“ and all, and then they will fee that we can be a- match for their
“ thievery,
©1“ My wife was not-very well pleafcd to give up the cat s ikin,
“ but flie was fain to riomply, and fo the scat:was put into the
‘fpaftv w ith the lkin on, and the pafty was put into the: oven-.
When the pafty was baked, it was. lot by till morning», and
feAheri clapped ianteprfaok,, and: away Lfetsriff inmily ffinbli&tea-
“ borg. Upon the road I lighted upon a peafant who wasstravel-
“ ling the ikmevvay, Says my new -acquaintance, Can WO^-crois
“ the river h y th e bridge d I- cannot tell you, anfwered I . But
“ -.¡When w e came to the fiver-fidefweffiiund cwdershad been given
“ to flop the puflage over tlie bridge ; for; fays'the carpenter; who
“ was hard at work upon the barricade, None oflyiou peafants.of
“ iPaldam'oeare to/pafs ihisiway.rt^.ariwicnri&drthe'rivea!6ver the
“ ice farther up, and when we carne ts (the cuftom-houfe I pre-
« fented the officer with a ftnall palty out o f my feck. W h a t '
“ ¡do,.you mean* hyvthis,-- fajd he ; you do not liaraly intend to
“ make the firil commiflary o f the cul'toms ib triflings a prefent
“ .a^ ffiis ist!,wGpme, come, I Ikaow you Paldamo peafants' are never
“ without aigood large; paftji o f ja ck , or fome other excellent fiffi
“ .give me the; largeft you ¡have;; one. that will do credit to your
“ town. This; you muft fuppofo, was ju ft what I wiffied to hear;
, . . “ fo