“ the whole is greater than a part; but Count Sparre, leated in- an
“ ox’s eye, demonftrates that a part may be greater than the whole.”
His excellency Count Oxenftierna, fenator, prime minifter, &c.
known in the annals o f northern literature by his eulogium on
Guftavus III. befides an Ode on Hope, and a poem entitled Skor-
den (harveft), two pieces o f great merit, Roxana, a comedy, and
feveral fmaller publications; his excellency Count Duben, fonator,
minifter o f ftate, and commander o f the order o f Seraphim, dif-
tinguiihed for his knowledge o f drawings, medals and emblems ;
Dr. Von Troil, archbilhop o f Upfala, author o f a Voyage to Iceland
(the ornithologifts, to pay him a compliment, have chrif-
tened a bird after his name, ur'ta troili) ; Baron Lejuvuhad; Baron
Adlercrantz; Mr. Mat. Benzelftierna; Baron M. Ramel, a very
rich landed proprietor, and a lover o f the belles-lettres; Count N.
Gylenftolpe; Count C . Gyllemborg, knight o f the polar ftar; he
wrote a tolerable epic poem called Taget o f ver Balt (the Paflage
o f the Belt) by Charles X ., a volume o f fables, ibme o f them o f
great merit, and poems, the moft diftinguiihed o f which is the
Seafons; Mr. Steenpiper, who has tranflated Tacitus, a man o f
great talents; and Dr. Olave Celfius, bilhop o f Lund, author o f a
Hiftory o f Guftavus Vala, and his Ion Eric X IV .
T he ordinary members o f the academy for belles-lettres, infcrip-
tions, antiquities, &c. are, Mr. Lillie Strale, well acquainted with
Englilh and French literature ; Mr. Bolin, author o f a Hiftory o f
the Swedilh people down to the reign o f Guftavus V a fa ; Mr.
Elers, a p oet; Mr. Schoenberg, hiftoriographer o f the kingdom;
Mm: Melanderhielm, a mathematician; Mr. Rofenftpin, formerly
preceptor to the king, and fecretary o f the Swediili academy ;,. Mr.
j y l-'erner,- preceptor to Guftavus III. when prince royal: p f
:Sweden; Mr. John Van Angenftroem,, author o f a Guide tp the
Mines for the ufe o f travellers (he has now giva» up the fciences,
, and -betaken himfelf wholly to agriculture) ; Mr. C. J. Strang,
•keeper o f the archives o f the kingdom ; Mr. G . Adlerbeth, antiquarian
o f the kingdom, and perpetual fecretary to the academy
o f belles-lettres (he publiihed fome wretched tragedies) ; .Mr. A , F.
Riftel, lately librarian to his majefty, a poet, and tranflator ofrfc-
■iveral fpeeches in Salluft; Mr. J. H. Liden, profeflor o f hiftory;
'M r. J. Murrberg, mafter o f the cathedral fchool o f Stockholm»
un elegant hiftorian (he wrote an account o f Chriftian s reiidence
At Stockholm in 1520) ; Mr. J. Hallenberg, hiftoriographer o f
the kingdom; Mr. C. J. Nordin, dean and hiftoriographer o f the
royal orders; he has written, in the Memoirs o f the Academy,
the Lives o f Illuftrious Swedes; Mr. F. J. Neikter, profeflor o f
eloquence at Upfala; Mr. Porthan, profeflor o f eloquence in the
univerfity o f A b o ; Mr. Everhand, profeflor o f the oriental langDu
The regulations o f this academy are much the fame with thofe
o f the academy o f infcriptions and belles-lettres* ,at Paris. The
new* academy at Stockholm for the cultivation- o f the Swedilh
language, is likewife formed nearly on the model o f the Academic
Franfoife, except that the number o f the rhembers.of the Swediih
academy is only eighteen inftead o f forty. Tke Swedtjh -Academy, or,