“ Ci git Pirron qui ne fût rien,
“ Pas même académicien.” *
T he following is a lift o f the academy o f fciences at Stockholm,
in J 799.
C L A S S I.
(Economy general and rural.
Mr. Knneberg, known as the author o f ieveral pieces written
on the fiibjeét o f public affairs during the fittings o f the diets or
Dr. Schulzenhielm, a phyfician,, one o f the beft financiers in
Mr. Liliencrantz, formerly a fenator, a good financier. It was
by his advice that the rix dollar was raifed from the value o f nine
to that o f eighteen dollars. He was alfo the projector o f the new
fcheme adopted by government for the diftillation o f brandy, by
which the privilege o f diftilling was taken from the Swedifh
people, and became a monopoly at the diipolàl o f the crown. By
thefe regulations individuals were obliged either to redeem the
right o f diftilling their own grain by a fum o f money, or to pay
for their fpirits double the ufual price. T he intereft o f the king
was thus placed in dircit opposition to that o f the nation. A t the
feme time that the price o f brandy was fo much raifed, and farther
advances were ftill threatened, the farmers were deprived o f
* Here lies Pirron, who was nothing,
Not even an academician?
the draff, or grains, which had been o f great benefit to them in
the feeding o f their cattle. Such an innovation was as bold and
raih an experiment in Sweden, as the fuppreflion o f religious ihows
and proceflions would have been at Rome or Naples. A general
iniurre&ion was apprehended, and the odious monopoly was abandoned.
It was faid by the beft humoured among the Swedes,
even when the popular indignation and rage againft Mr. Liliencrantz
were moft fervent, that he was juftly and fufficiently pu-
niihed for his mercilefs attacks on brandy by'a certain domeftic intemperate
uie o f that “ precious bane.” Liliencrantz has the reputation
o f being an honeft man, and an upright magiftrate.
Mr. Ugla, a collector o f manufcripts and Scarce books, o f which
he makes prefents to the academy.
Mr. Hellenius, profeflor o f Abo. He has attended with great
diligence to the effedts produced by intermixing the breed o f different
lpecies o f animals.
Mr. Graeve Ehrensverd, who has publiihed an account o f his
travels in Italy, written in a ftrange manner: his ideas are ex-
preffed in a myftical way, and as it were by hieroglyphics. He
is an excellent draughffman, and is particularly happy in caricatures.
W h en admiral-general at Carlfcrona, he was wont to
draw caricatures o f every one who came to vifit him.
Mr. Dubb, a phyfician at Gothenburg, and author o f a phyfico-
oeconomical journal, which is much efteemed.
T o the firft clais are alfo affixed the names o f Count Bunge,
Mr. Baron Rappe, and Mr. Dahlberg.