T h e town had been anciently built on a ipot fituated a quarter
o f a mile diftant from where it now itands: it dates its origin
from the introdudlion o f chriftianity into this country. After being
nearly confirmed by fire, it was rebuilt, and put under better
regulations, by the care and attention o f Peter Brake, Rikfdrots and
governor-general o f Finland, about the middle o f the feventeenth
century. There was formerly a mint at Abo. In the time of
popery this town had two monafteries within its precindts. From
the year 17 14 until 1 7 2 1 , Abo remained under the dominion o f
the Ruffians, from whom it experienced the moil cruel treatment.
In the year 1 743, at the conclufion o f peace between Ruffia and
Sweden, this city was finally delivered from the feverities and
dangers to which it had been expofed.
The caille, in the language o f the country called Abo-hus op
Abo-Hot, is fituated at the mouth o f the river Aura, upon a cape
bounded on three fides by the w ater: this is one o f the moil ancient
fortreffes o f the country. It was well fortified under the
kings, Albrecht, Charles VIII., Knutfon, and Guftavus Vafa. Be-
fides four towers, which were deftined to oppoie the approach o f
an enemy to the harbour, it had on the lbuth fide a high wall
.with a triple rampart o f earth, and a double ditch. A new building
has been added to the old itru¿lure, but in a different ftyle o f
mafonry. Abo-hus was the refidence o f Duke John, and the
prifon of King Eric X IV . in the fixteenth century. The old
caille, which contains a church and a confiderable arfenal, is con-
ftrudled o f brick walls extremely folid, and furrounded by fmall
ear then ramparts, erecled in the year 1730. It has been feveral
times deflroyed in time o f war by the enemy, and at other times
it has fuffered from fire. T w o companies o f marines are at prefent
quartered in the caille. T he other apartments are party employed
as magazines for corn and gunpowder, and partly ferve
as a prifon for ftate offenders.