Account o f Uleaborg : Situation, Population, and Trade— Mineral
Springs near Uleaborg— The Soil in the Neighbourhood o f this
Town, and its mineral ProduSiions— The Climate and Seafons—
Vegetation, and animal Creation,
T T L E A B O R G is a ftapelftad, fituated in 05 degrees north Ia-
titude. It was founded by Charles IX. in 1Ô05. It has
two cuftom-houfes, one for the land, and one for the fea ; two
iquares, iixtcen ftreets, and is divided into quarters. T he population
is about three thoufand eight hundred fouls. The articles of
exportation are as follow :
Tar (exported annually) tons 30,000
Pitch, ditto — — 3,000
Butter, ditto — — 30,000
Tallow, ditto — — 70,000
Salmon, ditto — — 2,000
Dried pike, ditto — — 4,000
A peculiar Ipecies of herrings, ditto — 300
Planks, ditto — — dozens 6oo
T he goods that are imported from abroad are, wine, oil, and
lemons, which altogether do not amount to much. The yearly
importation o f fait amounts on an average to almoft ten thoufand
tons : it is brought from the Mediterranean, and particularly from
Under the head o f manufaaures come two faw-mills, two corn-
mills, three fulling-mills for fluffs o f wool and linen c lo th ; a
tobacco manufadory, and three dying houfes. The public revenue
produces eight thoufand rix dollars per annum. Uleaborg fends
four ihips to'the Mediterranean,-which return laden with different
articles, but principally fait. Befides thefe, there are other veffels.
employed in freightage.
In the iflands at the mouth o f the river are two or three docks
for building ihips, where about fix veffels every year o f different
fizes are conftruded. T he port o f Uleaborg is a very bad one :
the Clipping is obliged to remain in the road about two Engliih
miles from the town, and to load and unload by means o f lighters.
T h e road itfelf is every year more and more filled up with land
and gravel.
In the year 1 6oo, Uleaborg was vifited by Charles IX . ; in l6 l 8
by Guftavus Adolphus; in 169 4, by Charles X I .; and in i ;5 2 ,
by Adolphus Frederic. It was attacked by the Ruffians in 1498,
15 17 , 1589, and 15g2. In 17 14 , and 1743, it was treated with
particular feverity by thofe invaders, and almoft ruined.
There are at Uleaborg fome mineral fprings, and valetudinarians
come hither for the purpofe o f drinking the waters. In the year
1 7 9 9 , there were among thefe but three or four foreigners, which,
when contrafted with the multiplicity o f thofe who refort to
Spa, and other places on the continent, makes this place appear
V o l . I. L I very