the affembly at the Exchange was frequented by the royal family,
people above a certain rank fhould not appear there without
having been previouily prefented at court.
Though Stockholm be at preient on the whole not one o f the
leait expeniive towns in Europe, yet public entertainments are
very cheap. T he firil places at the play-houfes are to be had for
half-a-crown. Admiffion to the grand affembly at the Exchange
is at the fame price, including tea and coffee, and other refreih-
ments. T he entrance to the opera coils about three ihillings and
fixpence. B u t the moil agreeable place for ilrangers to refort to,
is the d u b called the Society, which has been before mentioned.
It is open at all times, and is the bell regulated o f all the clubs I
ever knew. T h e houie is magnificent, and fumifhed with great
taile ; neatnefs, elegance, and good order reign throughout the
whole. A t half after two o’clock you find an excellent dinner
on the table ; o f which, however, none can partake except members
o f the club, and peribns introduced by members, fo that you
always meet with good company- Mr. Martin, a Frenchman,
who. keeps the houfe, has always the bell cooks in his fervice.
There are few private families in Stockholm where you can dine
better than you do at this club for half-a-crown : the wine is not
included in this charge. The houfe contains a billiard-table, a
great ball-room, a parlour where people meet for the purpofe o f
converfation, a reading-room, where you have journals and newf-
papers o f all countries -and in all languages, a card-room, and a
dining-room : all thefe apartments communicate with and form
a fuit
a fuit that extends over the whole front o f the building, When
the doors are open you overlook the whole at one view, which has
a pleafing effecb. In this fociety all the people o f Stockholm are
mix ed ; both the nobility, gentry, and men o f bufinefs. Merchants
are found at the fame card and dinner-table with officers
o f the army and country gentlemen; and there prevails, upon
the whole, a pretty tolerable air o f equality. Many who are
houfe-keepers, occafionally come to the fociety for the fake o f the
company and the dinner, which are always excellent.