arc corn, flour, fait, hemp, flax, woollen cloth, coarfe linens, tobacco,
and ipices.
In the winter feafon the merchants travel in their fledges to
different fairs, where they buy o f the Laplanders their molt valuable
furs, and give them in exchange filh, meat, meal, and
brandy. Some o f them proceed as far as Archangel, and others
to Alten in Norwegian Lapland. They carry on a contraband
trade, which is the moil profitable o f all others; and as the boundaries
which divide Norwegian from Swedilh Lapland, are but ill
guarded, they eafily convey from one fide to the other fuch articles
o f commercial fpeculation as they find molt advantageous. They
fend to Stockholm great loads o f falted flelh o f the rein-deer, and
an infinite number o f birds. There are years in which they export
thither to the amount o f four thoufand birds, which in winter
will keep for ibme months without fpoiling in the lealt.
A view o f the fun at midnight in Tbrnea, has always been
regarded as an objeft fingularly intereiiing; and hence a very
confiderable number o f travellers have vifited this place. I was-
at pains to feek out and take down the names o f fuch as are moll
diilinguiflied for their curiofity, literary labours, and merit, and
who have a right to be added to the lift o f men o f letters. Perhaps
it will not be unacceptable to my readers to lee fuch o f the
names as I have been able to colledt, which are the following:
I begin with the lirft French traveller in this country
In the year
1681 Jean Franc Regnard, de Fefcourt & de Corberou.-
In the year
1694 King Charles X I. o f Sweden.
1095 T he profeflors Spoli and Billberg, fentby King Charles X L
to obferve the elevation o f the fun at midnight.
1095 Profeflor Olaus Rudbeck, for the purpofe o f making discoveries
in natural hilloiy.
10g0 John Ulric Weftmuller.
1 7 1 8 Aubris de la Motraye, who has printed his travels in Eng-
lilh, which, in general, are very accurate as to what relates
to Lapland.
1730 T he prefident Gyllingrifsj who has publilhed his remarks
on this country in Swedilh.
j 73JJ Maupertuis, Outhien, Sommereux, D ’Herbelot, and Cel-
fius. -
1 76 9 Mr. Mallet, profeflor o f aftronomy. He palled by Tomea
in his way to Pello, where he was to obferve the tranfit
o f Venus over the Sun.
1783 T h e Marquis Paul Arconati Vifconti.
1 780 Mr. Marey, a French emigrant.
1 78 7 L e Chevalier Statella, knight o f Malta.
L e Marquis de Tourbie.
William Langhorn, an American, famous for his walking.
He patTed the mountains during fummer to enter Norway,
and returned on his way to Archangel.
John Stuart, an American.
1 7 9 1 Dr. Quenzel, a Swede, lor the purpofe o f making refearches
in natural hillory, particularly ill entomology.
Y y 2 1792