the advantage o f an univerfity education. I f any o f the-youth,
whofe circumftances might not admit o f an univerfity education-,
give 'indications' o f fine parts, and a genius forany departmenteof
fcience ; theinfpectors, who are in general allowed to difcharge
their duty with great diligence and fidelity, make a report o f him
to the king, who then orders that he may receive- an education
fuitable jo.hia talents and his merit. 1 may take this opportunity
to olffervc, that the -Swedilh clergy are for the moll: part regular
and decent in their deportment, and attentive to .the duties o f
thgirgjBfiqe.- ■ ;?. ,vsr,; , . .. v i iDnauims smut o-
In the Swediih dominions are three univerfities, that nKUpfaiay
that o f Lund, and that o f Abo. Following, as ought to he
done in a book o f travels, the geographical order o f the places, I
begin with that o f Lund, the capital o f Scania, efteemed the
molt ancient town in Sweden. It is fituated about fixty Swedilh
miles * to the, louth o f Stockholm, and fixty-feven o f Upfala. It
is the refidence o f an archbilhop. The climate, is, remarkably >
falubnous the country around being plain, prelents in an open,
and extenfive view a horizon well adapted to oblervations in aftro- •
nomy. Acrols the arm o f the fea which divides Sweden from
Denmark, you fee Copenhagen and the Danilh ihores. The pro-
felfors in the univerfity, including adjunSls, or affiftants, are in
number.more than fifty;; the lludents in common years three
hundred. T he library contains above twenty thoufand volumes.
There is alio a botanical garden at Lund, but o f no celebrity ; the
* The Swediih mile is nearly equal to feven Englilh miles.
number o f plants does not exceed one thoufand two hundred. It
wasiin the; univerfity o f Lund that Linnteus, under the countenance
and tuition o f profeflor Stobieus, acquired his firlt ideas o f
his; arrangements in natural hiftory ; and he lived to lee his
favourite fludy beginning .to flourilh in that feminary, under the
influence o f one o f his own pupils. Before this dawn, we find
him in his writings exprefling his wonder, that in a fituation
much more favourable than that o f Upfala, as being four degrees
more foutherly and wefterly, the garden o f Lund had not rifen
to fome eminence. T he univerfity was eftablilhed in 1688, by
Charles XI. and called after his name— Academia Carolina Gotha-
rum. The profeflbrihips are divided into four claffes or faculties :
ift. Theology ; 2d. Jurifp'rudBnce ; 3d. Medicine ; 4 th. Philofophy
: to which there has been added a fifth clals o f profeflors,
under the name o f A r t i u m C u l t i o r u m M a - g i s t r i , or Profefr
Jors o f the more elegant Aecompli/hments, viz. o f fencing, mufic,
dancing, and drawing. In theology there are three profeffors,
and two profeffors extraordinary, befides what they call two ma-
giftri docentes, or private teachers, whofe bufinefs it feems to be,
not only to inllrud the lludents in divinity and ecclefiailical hiftory,
and to expound to them fome portion annually, o f the lacred
fcriptures, but alfo, in an ealy and familiar manner, to folve their
doubts by an explanation o f any difficult point in, the .Bihle, or
any other fubjed that the lludents may wiih to have, illullrated.
In like manner the afliftant profeffors in the other faculties, in this
as well as in the other Swediih univerfities, are alyvays ready to