Oit February 6th, 1899, a government bill was brought before
the Storthing for a vote for the publication of a work on Norway,
on the occasion of the Paris Exhibition in 1900. After the Storthing,
on the 6th March, had voted the required amount, the editing
of the work was placed by the Ecclesiastical and Educational Department
in the hands of the undersigned, who had already, as
commissioned, ensured the services of specialists in the various
The article on «Geology» is translated by Mr. J. C. C h r i s t i e ;
the articles on «Finances», «Hanking», «Agriculture», «Forestry»,
«Mining», «Industry», «Commerce and Shipping», and «Language»,
by Mr. P. G r o t h ; the article on « International Position», «the Constitution
of Norway», and «the Aet o f Union», by Mr. EL L. B r æ k s t a d ;
«the Politieal Constitution and Administration» and «Judicial Organisation
» by Mr. EL W e s e n b e r g . The remainder of the articles have
been translated by Miss J e s s i e M u i b , thongh in most cases with
the final revision by the authors and editors. The geological map
is drawn by the head of the Norwegian Geological Research, Dr.
H. H. R e u s c h ; the climate chart bÿ the chief assistant at the
Meteorological Institute, Mr. A . S . S t e e n ; the forest chart by
Mr. K. A . F a u c h a l d ; while the population chart and the map of
Norway have been drawn or rearranged by Dr. A n d r . M. H a n s e n ,
who has in various ways rendered assistance to the editors.
Kristiania, May 20th, 1900.
S t e n K o n o w , Ph. d .
of the University of Kristiania.
K a r l F is c h e r ,
of the University Library.